Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nothing more than a writing and reading machine...

Getting caught up in your own spit is an off Broadway performance that creates pictures in other people’s minds that might not have been painted if the artist hadn’t originally set the toys outside their box to be enjoyed. Basically meaning, all things written about daily don’t always include me.

Yesterday is a great example—the subject was dizziness.

I am not dizzy nor am I presently going through dizzy spells. Although I did write about dizziness caused by cars that drive far and Tae Kwon Do spins that resemble a funky chicken…98.3% of the topics selected to put focus on, within, around, under and through like Cupid’s arrow on Valentines Day rarely if ever have anything to do with the presentation of my current role.

Until my mid-30’s the idea of reading books blatantly resembled the worlds largest word dump by way of wasted precious trees and human time—how could someone dedicate what little time we have to live to something that takes so long to poke through? Then one day, thanks to Lynn Payne at Barnes and Nobel the world according to Arroe was introduced to something he could relate with—Native American history and spiritual studies.

Reading doesn’t have to be about murder mysteries, Hollywood fast cars, romance and Tom Clancy. Huck Finn and Hamlet bored me in high school why should the adult child suffer with it? And yet I called myself a writer! If you don’t constantly read what the world is watching how can you be inspired to pen out an idea worth holding?

Because of Lynn’s efforts to showcase her display of American nations and dreams to press forward it became my mental playground to lift from the pages of once whispered tales the stories about survivors of the western plains committed and or addicted to an act of making sure their families made it to the twentieth century. Their roots fed a newly located desire to pull off what I call The Short Circuit, “Input…more input. Need more input.”

The 1985 film was about a lab experiment visiting the relics of a constantly changing U.S.A. and all things the robot came across fed his memory banks with unstoppable amounts of information making him wiser to the purpose behind his journey.

Finally locating printed collections of a writers vision that interest the wandering ambitions of a completely way too deep traveler quickly changed the winds kissing my sails that which take me closer to a horizon worth painting.

Wait…wait…the opening sentence is based on dizziness to which you must feel going through the design of my reading plan. Through the powers of assumption and not Isis or the Burger King King…such spinning stories may not be about me but through everyday reading it’s written about you and how we’re going to pick your tail up and get your muddy buddy feet through this grubby bottom day.

Thank God I don’t live at Biltmore Estate because you’d be bored with the books lining the shelves in the library. My mentor in life Dr. Ronald Mack from Wake Forest University never, never, never stopped reading as well as writing; every page carried value which made each book priceless. Jokingly we laughed out loud several times on the number of editions we had stuffed in corners ready to be read at anytime of the day.

At the present, the radio station studio to which I perform in daily is blessed with not one but eight books worth studying. Not reading...I study paragraphs and sentences like addict looking for their next rush. Combine that with the six at home with the latest edition of Rollingstone Magazine and the answer to the question would be…fourteen. That’s how many novels based on real adventures I’m currently reading.

Dizziness just happened to be the subject most recently read to which I wasted no time putting it in your head. It’s not that I was dizzy, had become or planned on being…the end result of yesterdays writing was to do nothing more than begin a conversation about something you might keep incredibly secret. If winning is a choice then change cannot begin to win if kept within.

Blogging, poetically dancing and or anything else you might do on the covers belonging to Face Book, Twitter and all things considered copies aren’t my daily journals…these stories and or imprints of a personality rarely if ever have anything truly to do with me. I am nothing more than a reporter completely being free without having to deal with editors trying to sell newspapers and magazines. Even my own published book One Man’s 1,021 Thoughts was edited and edited and edited to the point of no longer being about the pen connected to the heart that fell in love with the touch of a once living tree.

In bold printed words on the first page it says, “This is not an autobiography.” And I still get emails from as far away as India from readers who want to know who, what, where, when and why?

Are you dizzy yet?

Steal my art…breathing begins with writing and reading. When you write, it doesn't have to be about you...make it about them...those who have landed on your page looking for something more than entertainment.


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