Friday, October 9, 2009

Why are you being such a pain?

It’s Friday! Which means nearly half your office will spend the day moping and moaning about having a migraine, “Ohhh I can’t help you out…the big one has hit like a hurricane shredding the shores of a tiny island somewhere in the Atlantic.”

Friday migraines must be real! Look at how many aspirin makers have started marketing their product for those destined to find relief. I still want to know how a little white pill has been trained to tell the difference between stressful backaches to a bump on the noggin caused by bosses who flat out refuse to stop.

My mentor in life Dr. Ronald Mack, who once fronted our nations poison control center spent years trying to common man some sense into my system and every time, at the mere mention of a seven to fifteen letter word…it was instant tune out. It was easier to just pop the pill and get the headache over with.

Truth is migraines are extremely real, delivering an out of control throbbing through your mind, body and soul in the way of nearly making you disabled. New studies show women have more migraines than men typically showing up on the side of the head while rocking the Richter scale at moderate to severe.

The worst part about a migraine is the nausea that follows like a tsunami chasing an earthquake.

Shockingly most who suffer from migraines know 24 hours earlier that something of major proportion is about to hit. It’s called a Prodrome. According to Dr. Fred Sheftell the President of the Council for Headache Education, 15% of migraine sufferers see flashing lights or strange shapes before the headache looks into your eyes and screams, “Give me a name like a hurricane!”

There is no easy way to tame a migraine. Which makes you wonder what the heck triggers these monsters? Outside of abnormal electrical activity, your journey is coming to an abrupt halt thanks to alcohol, erratic meals or sleeping patters, artificial sweeteners, processed meats, aged cheese, perfume, cigarettes, caffeine withdrawal and psychological stress. Hold on a second…that’s everything that takes place in the first 32.3 seconds after you arrive at work on a Friday!

Holy cow…how are we supposed to enjoy living if everything we touch leads to a king sized cobra headache? You’ve got to take the necessary steps to prevent it by maintaining a regular sleeping schedule—stop sleeping in on the weekends. If your body clock has you ready to rock at 6 am Monday-Friday you have to pull off the same stunt on Saturday and Sunday.

Take your vitamin supplements. They stabilize your levels of estrogen and serotonin.

Take the time to love yourself by creating space for nurturing—a walk with the dog, reading a book, listening to incredible music without having to be bogged down by take it home work from a job that will quit you years before you decide to take the journey. Deep breathing is a must on this new avenue of trust. Adding sips of meditation to your daily requirement opens your eyes rather than shoves your head beneath a pillow begging for the pounding to stop.

If you travel a lot…take your time packing and do everything in your power to leave all types of alcohol completely out of your air flight plans. Once back on the ground allowing your shell to pull off a few up and downs is a positive move. Exercise boosts your endorphin out put which is a sweet sensation when it comes to relaxing bad chemical reactions. Hitting the basketball court or competing in other activities is nothing more than a free ticket to the front row of migraine headache 101. I’ve seen these guys in concert, take the group KISS, mix it with Ted Nugent and the Sex Pistols now place your neighbor learning how to play the violin with six of their friends on an out of tune guitar, flute and kazoo.

If you’re like me…the idea of flushing another pill down the pipe is irritating and annoying to the tummy below—go acupressure. You can’t and won’t find relief from the headache freak if you don’t take the time to get to know why he or she is stealing your time.

I’ll never forget my family doctor looking at me and calmly saying, “Hmmm I can give you a pill.” To which I replied, “Why so you can win a free trip to Disney from the maker of the medicine?”

It’s Friday! Be sensitive to the co-worker trapped in hut made of pound, pound, pound. Also be thankful that you, at this present moment don’t suffer from migraines because how you act and react to anyone under attack will be the exact way they’ll show love when rough times take you by the noodle and turns your world upside down, in and out and through a ringer that leaves you feeling lifeless.

Headaches are serious business—never ignore them, always make way for a doctor to check out your inner sound system. All that wrenching pain could be a signal from a distant star softly saying, “Human dude, yo ego maniac monkey man…you have high blood pressure and it could cause a much bigger shape of silence.”

Getting back to living…steal my art.

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