Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Welcome back to Jeopardy! For the bonus round and an extra banana to have at lunch every Monday for the rest of your life...can you name the non-sick, non-cancerous cause behind why 500 million American’s step away from their workday either to seek treatment from a doctor or locate a sofa to plop down on?

Hint number one: The subject we are talking of heightens the fear of something more serious taking place.

Hint number two: It’s persistent, can last longer than six months accompanied by sleepless nights, joint pain, severe headaches, an inability to concentrate and or memory loss.

Final hint: A peaceful cure can easily be found in any corner of the world but the leading expert on the cause and effect lives in Charlotte, NC.

Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) Constantly feeling fatigued without any natural energy or hidden away commands to man the ship spearheaded by the mind, body and soul.

Only 10% of those seeking medical help have actually been struck down by the silent attacker.

If that’s not a good enough answer to the fifty three cups of hot Joe you shove down the piping system and your doc in the box still keeps shaking his head from side to side exclaiming, “It’s not CFIDS!” Look into what’s being called Garden Variety fatigue caused by odd ball shaped living conditions; little or no sleep and a poor diet.

“You could be suffering from a fist full of complications,” shouts Dr. Ronald Hoffman who fronted the book Tired All the Time: How to Regain Your Lost Energy. “An overactive thyroid is like dealing with a daily implosion filled with fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations and bulging eyes.”

If this doesn’t fit inside the shoes you walk a mile in…step into a pile of conditions created by an under active thyroid whose signs are usually chills, weight gain, strong PMS, muscle aches, dry skin, hair loss, constant cold and flu and a voice that sounds like you live off six bottles of alcohol and twelve packs of cigarettes a day.

Either condition…contact your doctor ASAP.

Other Garden Fatigue starters include Adrenal insufficiency—low levels of DHEA which is caused by autoimmune disease or adrenal gland disease.

I was shocked to learn how many medically trained human minds often overlook diabetes as being a creator of fatigue. A fasting blood glucose test will expose the journey which can easily be maintained—putting you back on a path of victory.

Food allergies, environmental toxins such as indoor pollutants will wipeout your onboard computer inside an hour. Linoleum creates benzene, new carpets and drapes generate formaldehyde. There’s lead in tap water and paint. Mercury is still being found in dental fillings and there’s always nitrogen dioxide in the house created by kerosene heaters, gas stoves and furnaces. And stop! The biggie trichloroethylene can fatigue you instantly…it’s found in all dry cleaning.

So what about the old wives tale that sugar is a good kicker and ender? Let it be known if the yummy stuff was brand new on the market; it would be instantly declared a drug and labeled extremely dangerous to your physical wellbeing. Sugar invites damage to your pancreas whose only mission is to produce insulin. Too much insulin leads to hypoglycemia a major league player in the world of what the heck is bringing me down.

Any medical official will pretty much embarrass you when asked, “So dude in a white coat, um cut me slack Jack and lay it on the line…how can I get over this sugar high?”

Guess what you’ll be in search of? Ergogenic dietary supplements fortified with B-15, L-carnitine, octacosanol, wheat germ extract and ginseng.

Which basically means if you ain’t reading those labels firmly pressed onto the side of every bottle, can and bar…grab the reading glasses and let’s take some classes. You’re not being forced to eat rice cakes and unseasoned oatmeal. Your best step taken forward might be taking on the simple task of relieving your system of its addiction to caffeine and power drinks, a mid afternoon chocolate chip cookie or an incredibly delicious stick of gum exploding with flavor and everything else that will land your hard work and dedication in the trash can next to your desk.

I totally get it! When it comes to energy and the pursuit to being the best….you are flat out broke and spent. It kills me to say this…it’s probably not your boss creating the mess. If only 10% of patients seen by doctors and institutions are diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that leaves 90% of circle wide open for other rhymes, reasons and oblong purposes.

Stop feeding the emptiness with false highs and round robin conclusions. Get to the center of this circle and start living life again.

Steal my art…


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