Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What if Abe Lincoln had Face Book?

Talk! We love talk! Talking motivates us. Talk is a valuable source of information. Talk is cheap unless you’re part of a morning radio show. Too much talk sounds like a hen house back home on the farm in Montana. Talk comes with two faces, it’s something you can participate with or just sit back and listen.

Some of the big talk this week:

1. The Super Bowl! The game was great but the commercials were created by marketing wanna-be’s from Rawlins, Wyoming.

2. Donald Trump telling Jay Leno, “You’re fired!”

3. Dear John from Nicholas Sparks finally knocks Avatar off the top of the movie charts.

4. Thank God we don’t live up north where it won’t stop snowing and blowing!

5. Ellen makes her debut appearance on American Idol.

All have made waves, some bigger than others…but nothing compared to the biggest of the big talk of the week: What was Face Book thinking when they elected to change your home page?

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Corporate America. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with a CEO making sure his talk was heard.

The greatest invention since the creation of hospitals is the next best thing…Face Book, millions and one day billions more than McDonald’s will arrive daily to mentally heal and be satisfied through the companionship a web service offers but just like the medical industry…you can talk and talk and talk about how much you hate and hate but in the end you’re wasting tremendous amounts of energy on something you can’t change.

Face Book is like your doctor…they love, love love you! But they don’t care! Sure there are those in the world of medicine who hold your hand and gently explain but the moment your check bounces, the payment is late or the insurance card has changed…oh baby your doctor and favorite nurse have sent in the paperwork for a medical divorce.

Face Book is no different. Seriously! Let’s put on our business caps…they ain’t making money off your addiction. 500 million FB friends and the kingpin behind this business plan is thinking, “How the heck did James Cameron make 2 billion bucks inside two months with Avatar and we’re getting nothing?”

James Cameron made more than movie history. He’s proved to Corporate America that you have money and my oh my are you ready to spend it. Bad unemployment rate, near bankruptcy, horrible medical condition…Wall Street might be stumbling but you know where the key is to that secret stash of cha-ching and big business U.S.A. is getting tired of making everything free.

I can’t help but compare Face Book’s financial crisis to that of our United States government with the legalization of pot…if you build it, they will come but there’s nobody at the door to collect the junk to put in their banking trunk. FB is the greatest legal high this side of the invention of Napster in the 90’s. You mean we can download our favorite songs free? Thank you Jesus!

The repercussions of that valuable hunk of common man wins it all continues to be felt. While most of us totally ignored the business world and its devilish dealings in late January…our government approved the merger of Ticketmaster and Live Nation. We are living and breathing Rock n Roll history—where the artists and big business have taken from the normal fighting hard to stay alive person the power of choice.

Irving Azoff promises lower ticket prices—this summer you can check out The Eagles for $30 a ticket but he failed to mention what the service charges would be. Bono and U2 call this merger the greatest creation to all alive today because independent promoters no longer have to go out of business putting more artists and musicians in the line that reads, “Will work for money.”

I’m not complaining about the big combination. I quit going to concerts five years ago. Nothing says total entertainment more than a DVD you can pause because the beer you’re gulping down is working its way through your old man body too, too fast. On my way back to the surround sound powered by Bose, a quick stop by the fridge to grab something to eat won’t cost me 20 bucks I barely made at work.

Face Book made another change. It feels like it happens everyday. If you really want to complain go back to My Space. Be a leader and get on Google and find the next place to be taken away by the ultimate high. Face Book isn’t listening because they’ve got to make money or you’re going to wake up and the sugar daddy isn’t going to come home for dinner anymore.

We stopped complaining about the high price of gas. We’ve stopped being irritated by the cost of cell phones and text messaging. We absolutely refuse to complain about how every Nickleback song sounds the same. Heard a newscaster offer their opinion this past weekend about Sarah Palin’s walk across America and how she’s stirring up the pot and could be creating this nations first revolution in two hundred plus years.

Not going to happen…we're conditioned to stop complaining inside two weeks. If it has nothing to do with American lost me at, "Hello."

Life during these modern times is like doing The Electric Slide…pop it on and suddenly the entire floor comes to life. Take it off and people can’t wait until the DJ plays The Cha Cha Slide…once done, they beg to hear The Cupid Shuffle then the YMCA.

Face Book is nothing more than a fad and we’re falling for it. The least we could do is donate a dollar to keep them in business. Where is George Clooney to save their face?

Save your energy…if you’re going to complain…introduce a solution. Trust me 500,000 million friends will follow.

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