Friday, February 12, 2010

You aren't alone...

I love research! I don’t always like what research says but there’s nothing more motivational than staring at 8x10 chunks of once living trees and reading about what premonition has been screaming for months or what’s required to be changed so future visions can become a more peaceful reality.

In her new book Say Something Real author Lou Solomon posted this statement: I’m frustrated when people don’t seem to know I have credibility.

How did people react?

First! How many fingers are required on the human hand when counting the number of times a boss or coworker has pretty much left you out of the picture because in their heart you didn’t have the necessary tools to achieve what they set out to accomplish?

In doing this, bosses tend to forget they’re teaching their worker bees how to quit. Participation is the greatest motivational tool on earth. Feeling like you belong is fuel and when bosses and coworkers pull of their buddy buddy stunts the end result rarely reaches greatness. Being good is the new acceptance level in Corporate America. Good and fine will do…if that doesn’t work we’ll find someone new. Harassment is a line you don’t cross inside the workplace, when will someone look deeper into the repercussions of motivation through intimidation?

How did everyone respond to Lou’s statement: I’m frustrated when people don’t seem to know I have credibility.

1 replied, “I sometimes do a little name dropping.”

678 said, “I put energy into connecting with people—things work out.”

2,345 came back with, “I promote myself but in a tasteful way.”

Which one were you?

Not everyone likes to hold the power of team work and creative flow—they’re hired to do one thing so the idea of asking a coworker for a trip down multitask lane can easily be compared to gulping down a 400 degree cup of coffee. Number one reason why so many stay incredibly silent….fear of exposure.

So…Lou made this statement: I feel more secure if I don’t show weakness.

Maybe it’s the Tae Kwon Do in me or my stepfather Joe’s U.S. Military background but fearing a new opportunity has never been scooped up and dumped on my plate. I waste no time taking on a good or bad challenge which has earned me a few nicknames my mother would be embarrassed to hear. That’s when I quickly follow up their beautifully designed adjectives with a simple question, “When did I say I wasn’t?”

Lets look at Hollywood Week on American Idol…each singer is expected to stay up well beyond midnight to practice and practice, fight then practice some more. Trust me…there are AI staff members watching their actions and reactions then documenting how well they can handle real entertainment pressure. Being a slave to the road messes with your mind, body and soul…giving away your art to 15 to 30,000 people a night rips your determination to shreds. Natalie from the Dixie Chicks refused to climb back on the bus with the two sisters…so the twins said, “No sweat, we’re going to do it without you.”

Dave Grohl from Nirvana, The Fu Fighters and now Them Crooked Vultures is a brilliant musical success story based on his roots never spoiling. The man Curt Cobain couldn’t stand has evolved into one of the most brilliant multitaskers in music history. Unlike Don Henley and Phil Collins…Grohl hits the Rock n Roll highway with both feet moving in fast forward taking anyone willing to play right along with him. In reality, he’s this generation Eric Clapton whose laundry list of bands he's created and or performed with includes my mother’s kitchen sink.

What did research say about Lou’s statement: I feel more secure if I don’t show weakness.

1 said, “Who wants to hear me cry?”

678 responded, “Being vulnerable is a willingness to not be defensive.”

2,345 reacted with, “I can be vulnerable with some but not all people at work.”

Which person are you?

As a child I never understood why Joe always came home from work upset and unwilling to talk. I assumed he hated his stepchildren so I learned the valuable art of never taking the time to get to know you. Seeing his disgruntled approach to how he was being treated at the place that financed what little roof we had over our heads…it became my mission to judge a book by its cover.

Tell me you don’t do it!

Someone you spend more time with on a daily basis than God and your spouse comes into sight in the hallway, they aren’t carrying themselves too well…how often do you duck for cover versus reaching out to share a positive thought? I don’t have enough fingers or toes to count the number of times I’ve been told to back off with my positive attitude, “I’m not in the mood for you today,” is what they say. I laugh out loud hoping that my tid bit of insanity will attack their hard surface like poison ivy and seep into their bad moment in the way of sprouting a simple unexpected smile somewhere in their day.

If you ever want to get sick to your stomach…spend fifteen minutes with me in the studio. You’ll get so high on life the rest of you will get an instant hangover.

Steal my art…

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