Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why do bosses hire others rather than you?

Nothing is more liable to misuse than power therefore personal growth becomes the newly shaped spirituality.

Would this be the reason why books based on motivating your workplace, favorite hiding place and places to reach are constantly found in or around the New Age Religion section of most book stores?

John C Maxwell, Anthony Robbins, Character is Destiny from John McCain, Andy Andrews, Harvey McKay and Lynn Robinson have left their pages to be hung in the quiet word galleries in areas of the store that almost seem empty until you begin to push your imagination into the ink stains they’ve left behind.

But never once did I make the connection that each of them took from the wind a source of information based on power making it the new found religion.

Blame it on my connection to a Montana county line childhood caked with church studies and outings; never once did someone explain that an increase in sales and performance plus the reconstruction of a business lifestyle is looked upon as being spiritual.

Why then is being a work-a-holic frowned upon? It’s no different than a minister, preacher or pastor carefully laying out the groundwork of this Sunday’s message. Oprah couldn’t have said it better, “Employees and business owners who understand the secret tend to have better and longer lasting success.”

The secret being; what you’re expected to bring to the surface of your daily duties rarely has anything to do with your personal gain and everything to do with the product reaching a client that will use it to better their way of living. The misuse of power creates a crack in the process of exceeding the limits of expectation.

A police officer doesn’t enjoy pulling speeders over; the paperwork is excruciating! Yet without their guidance speeders have the ability to wreak havoc on other peoples lives, stealing from them at times when least expected. The officer serves as a middle man, a messenger of sorts, making sure both parties involved are safely delivered to their proper destination with the least amount of difficulty.

So how does that fit into the New Age section of a book store?

When you stop to realize your job isn’t just a job. When you learn to recognize your efforts at the workplace are valued more by outsiders and not a constantly nagging boss glued to facts and figures.

Self evolution is experienced when you decide to develop the powers that offer you motivation without misusing the abilities that made you who you are. Everyone has countless amounts of possibilities, reaching them fairly isn’t always worth the struggles so we’ve evolved into a nation of shortcut takers masterminding plans that make working an individual sport rather than a team effort. And in the end…growth isn’t achieved because those holding the experience to achieve have no room for someone willing to pay their dues, they can’t locate a wide enough space to fit their personal growth into. Therefore, we have in essence a modern day religious war.

Think about it; if personal or work environment growth is recognized as being a form of spirituality the end result is going to always be different beliefs and a misuse of power which in the long run generates poorly developed skills as communicators and I don’t need to remind you of the days when you’ve bumped your nose into someone’s silence then spent the next eight hours worried about your own position on the company ladder.

Progress: perfecting capability, possibility, faculties and qualities. A development of deeper truth helps educate the wandering mind. I tend to call it Radio Reality. You might call it A Bankers way of living or Behind the Cupcake’s. Show me a business that isn’t overflowing with employees that have willingness but no clue as to where they’re going to get the necessary experience to obtain success.

Employees are no longer developed they’re dropped into an arena and expected to survive.

Make it your goal to stand next to a coworker and figure out how to make progress. Success loves to take naps and in each of us there is a bear waiting for the opportunity to pop open its eyes and discover a higher level of performance. If the worker within isn’t shown the way…we become a nation blessed with multitudes of wanderer's who find more pleasure in being unemployed than actively affecting the lives of people who pass you by.

Personal and professional growth is spiritual. No wonder it hurts like hell when you keep walking into windows and walls designed by coworkers and bosses that have not a passion in the world to help you make it. They’re more interested in their personal gain therefore the misuse of power is evident making what we do wasted time for one and for all.

I’m not asking you to stand on a box and preach a good word. One coworker…stand next to them today and listen. What you hold is experience and it’s that adventure that becomes the missing link. Never forget this important rule; one that I have officially dubbed The Beatles floor plan: four completely different guys…yet there was harmony.

Stop treating your job like a job and begin to put focus on the people buying the product. What are you doing to guarantee a service or product to make somone's life better? If your response is, “What’s in it for me?” Don’t expect personal and professional growth this year. Wall Street, bosses and family members find no reason to invest in objects with no value. Raise your worth by participating in the presentation of letting one steal your art.

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