Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Success not connected to dollar amounts...

What if having a better day at work required only a ball or book that you could easily toss into the air? Wait! First you have to clap your hands before catching it.

According to The Daily Challenge; it helps develop your fine and gross motor skills by forcing you to coordinate large and small muscle groups used when throwing and catching. Having good coordination helps your body work more efficiently during the typical underpaid oversaturated multi-tasked workday.

The goal should never be based on how much you accomplish…but rather making sure you’re doing everything possible to prevent an injury.

Let’s look at radio…

Can people that talk on the air get injured? I’m shocked at the way on-air talent stand while doing their shows. They lean to the right, left or force their hips forward adding major strain to their lower backs.

Most control board’s sit a foot inside a large table, each is three feet or more wide…the computer screen is nearly four feet from your natural vision. The air talent extends their calf muscles, ham strings and abs to reach over the sliding buttons connected your favorite songs. Toss in repetition and injuries occur. Did I mention what this does to your eyes? No wonder there’s free Tylenol in the medicine cabinet!

The goal is to prevent injury. Stretching butt exercises while sitting in your office chair does amazing things for your back. Dropping to do five or ten sit ups, push ups or something that challenges your core section of the body can turn a banking or Home Depot Consumer Dept nightmare at the counter into a high level of success.

Artist Way author Julia Cameron invites her readers to take two different styles of daily walks; write three pages of open honest journaling and pick the rear up and go for a walk around the block to take in the sounds of nature. Master Harris from Martial Arts University believes the human body can only withstand twenty minutes in a sitting position before the body begins to react in a negative way. You’re cutting off the blood that needs to be flowing through the entire system. You’ve got to move it move it or your body is going to bite you back.

Working out at work embarrasses the hell out of me. They already think I’m weird…picking my self up from the floor when someone walks in proves it. Yesterday a coworker caught me doing push ups. It felt like my parents caught me doing teenage things.

When you decide to set your body’s needs aside expect an injury at work that won’t be covered by workman’s comp. For some, the pain becomes too much which means taking time off to see a doctor or stay home to cry out loud.

I don’t know how people stand on their feet for eight to ten hours a day. At 72 my mother still mans the front desk at the bowling alley and complains constantly how much her legs and back are killing her. She’s had two hip replacements and numerous wristbands have been wrapped around her arms from leaning on them while at the counter.

Why do bosses kill trees putting dollar amounts on paychecks when the majority of what you make is going straight to the medical field?

Try something different…toss a ball or book into the air and begin a new journey in sharpening up the skills of the muscles required to keep your day at work strong. The cable company doesn’t accept excuses; getting hurt at work steals money from your pocket. If you get hurt at work paying the bills almost never comes first.

You can’t save anything for a rainy day if you’re spending your workday bent over, wrapped around, leaning across or limping like Skippy because if you stand up straight you’ll bump your head on pipes, chords or the bosses ego.

Rather than be shy about doing push ups yesterday in front of the coworker…my new goal is to invite them to join me. Two employees in great shape with winning attitudes means we can grow one step forward toward success.

I will always believe in you first…


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