Thursday, August 2, 2012

I Laugh At The Way We Say Thank You

Charles Dickens believed that we should reflect upon our present blessings of which every man has plenty; not on past misfortunes of which all men have some. Because I find tremendous value in people connections, in order to breathe my feet are required to be stuck knee deep in mud not yet invented. Basically meaning all levels of travel must first be seen in the future before being unveiled onto the presence of this day. Even that scares people away. It's a very difficult path to lead. As an artist a blank blizzard white canvas takes on the role of the enabler. Blank walls gift the mind's eye to see past the present. Being a Jock on the radio "nothing" just happens. What a listener receives through methods of "seven second song intro" communication might seem like top of the mind when inside radio reality the thought shared found energy to grow forward maybe ten or thirty minutes ago. I'm not saying all Jocks are predated fabrications. TJ from the Ace and TJ show and Billy James from John Boy and Billy are two of the quickest responders I've ever met. They're Masters at what I call "The hangy Lews." Both Ace and John Boy display the message while TJ and Billy develop the undertow that sneaks up unexpectedly on common sense and grabs you. Their skills of crafting an afterthought are so lightning quick that they'd have to believe that living in the future is how you infect the present dance. How do you get there? Is it something you pick up at a Broadcasting school? If you've spent time with either of them it's incredibly easy to take note of a common string both TJ and Billy carry which could serve as an answer: Gratitude. Gratitude... It's more than offering thanks. It's a way of life. It's like a Martial Artist... Worldwide Black Belts are tossed out like candy. Choosing to live the path of a Black Belt is only the beginning. While your eyes might spin and your stomach tumble at poetic gestures penned out by the tips of my writing instruments; I feel the same way about Radio people and Martial Artists that live more in the past while attempting to design the present. This is where my seventy plus year old Mother usually steps in to coax me back to reality, "Your little radio playground is no different from a steel plant, convenience store, sushi restaurant and or small town bowling alley that's finally discovered black lights, disco balls and tremendously loud Friday and Saturday night music." There's plenty of passion in America but how many live the path of gratefulness? My stepfather Joe constantly felt the need to bop the back of my head, "Did you tell the waitress thank you for your dinner? Did you go back into the classroom after school and thank your teacher for sharing the lesson today?" Too many times we're focused on getting somewhere that the physical act of refolding the journey and putting it away for another day becomes the challenge. I see it on HGTV then spend the next two hours wasting energy because The Great Creator left that part of my brain sitting in a plastic bag when piecing me together. Gratitude is more than saying, "Thank you..." My eyes were opened while on the path toward the first of two degrees (Dan) when something as simple as a double brick break from a pushup position had left my knuckles angrily bloody and scarred. I was fearful of bringing the challenge to Master Harris. It meant admitting failure. I kept trying! One, two, three pushup...lift! Smash! Knuckles cut again and again but no brick broken. A week before the test I put into play the necessary steps of question. Master Harris didn't laugh. He didn't shame. He calmly asked, "Before the brick break did you offer thanks to the bricks for being part of your growth? Did you show interest in how two solid objects would become four? Did you offer enough love and understanding to the bricks that you would care for them after they had been snapped in two?" When you watch the video of the 1st and 2nd Dan tests viewers see me kneeling in front of each brick. Through gratitude I didn't measure the length of my ego but chose to guarantee the bricks a place in my rose garden blessed with spring rains and summertime scents that melt the toughest guys heart. Extending my legs outward into a pushup position, one, two, three...lift! The universe shared with me shattered bricks that catch the sun each time it playfully rises in the eastern sky. Gratitude is more than just saying, "Thank you..." I find no fear in the presence of the future for I need it's energy to help invite change to the present.

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