Thursday, August 9, 2012

Just Admit It! You Teach People To Quit First Then Cry Unfairness

Constantly I'm asked about "why" I've spent the past 18 years writing daily. Not "how" have you spent the last 18 years writing daily. Next to never "where" have you spent the last 18 years writing. Nor have I heard "who" have you spent the last 18 years writing with. What I've used is never a pencil not even a computer screen. Both shapes of mediums are much too easy to quickly erase. Ink stains not only the page but your fingers; therefore I believe even though you wrote it and tried to get rid of it...the body's wearing it. "Why" have you spent the last 18 years writing daily?" I give to you 5 of my most idiotic replies: 1. Because I can 2. Why not? 3. It's meditation 4. A creative mind needs to be primed. 5. I love writing about life. I do all I can to remain shy of that highway! Writing about "Life" is like admitting you're a comedian and instantly people demand a joke so they can laugh. I've argued with more clouds over "Why" it takes so long for paint to take its rightful place on a canvas. Does it feel judgment before being released to wandering eyes to spy on? I immediately become silent when radio people press the flesh on gathering input. This is where I get called "The A**." Have you seen the top of my head? I should be campaigning for a new name? Hairy A**! Blazed is their trail blessed by a fear of failure while holding true to a gleam of hope. Two extremely strong feet enter the circle without a knock on the door. This must be what teen guys felt when their parents caught them reading pictures. I've always called this itty bitty teeny weenie well padded room with a window overlooking a set of trees "The womb of my creative flow." Without hesitation I'm shot into a new world where having the proper action and reaction becomes the gamble. Through lessons based on making brilliantly lit verbal mistakes the journey at the age of 50 is to sit still and silently watch. Become the wolf. Not a werewolf! I've seen they movies! They eat people! By the time people reach for my door I'm convinced "Life" has put them on an overload of "final breath." Therefore there's no meat left for me. Or so they act... The dreams always been to hang a mirror on the large thick wooden door leading into the recording studio. Oh it's not for me! I want the visitor to ask the image in the mirror first. What? Come on radio guy! Too many times we're convinced "outsiders" hold the map leading to the needle in a haystack. Or according to "Hairy A**" it's become customary and or acceptable to depend on others to find success for us. The strangest thing about this modern day generation are the number of names we're leaving behind that best describe us. The Co-dependent in denial but want it all right now Generation. Screw Boomer's, Gen X and Y! The music of all decades is loved by one people! The common link isn't a love for Harry Potter and Flo Rida singing Good Feeling. As much as I love me some Etta James all decked out in Hip Hop... the main driving force behind the nation we've become can easily be painted onto a canvas then left to dry. The portrait of an entire embodiment of people sitting in a doctors "waiting" room. We're waiting for "life" to happen. Constantly I'm asked about "why" I've spent the past 18 years writing daily. Because I have nothing else to give to the next generation.

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