Monday, October 1, 2012

October Is Here! So Are Job Terminations!

What gives? The moment the "Summer of Twenty Twelve" fades into Fall's cooling rains, the depth of human perception infects mindsets assumed strong? What becomes the "Public Leaning Post" when the shape of the soil holding it true has eroded like an attack of red ants or unexpected bossy Aunts? Is Winter coming early? I ask because research has always supported the teeth chattering brittle air of December as being the key purpose behind sharp mood swings and tremendous lacks of participation. Not October! Why then are more coworker's, family members and friends reaching for heavily caffeinated coffee, power drinks and energy shots? Because the average American lucky enough to have a job is "Losing the war." These are the final four months of the year! You don't have to believe in evolution to fall witness to the greatest changes ever in American life and style. Since 2008 and a few chapters before, bosses attached to their businesses procedures with needs to succeed have made every October thru December their rightful place to "Employee dump." The human psyche has been reprogrammed by modern technology, stockholders, GM's who are paid bonuses for keeping budgets in line and or companies vowing to reinvent and realize their fresh new beginning is about to be terminated from the competition. In preparation the decision is to clean house. Intuition is how we prepare the way of the Woolly Warm. We are born with instinct. For any of us to let go replaces comfort with "Brand new" which is a horrid place to step. Exhaustion, moodiness and more importantly a feeling of wanting to stay home more than usual is based on how out of control we've become in guaranteeing the future. Being great at what you do no longer feeds the local hand of productivity. Becoming numb is how we identify with having a lack of energy. The first natural step is to pep up! While shopping at a major grocery store chain I took note of the buy two get four free energy shots at the counter. The best part? You won't gain weight! Why do so many dump their cable TV and doctor bill payments into this? According to, our self designed, self proscribed of rebuilding ourselves finds itself connected to a hidden fear delivered by the self we've evolved into. Let's pretend you're the big person in control and the order comes down to fire. Who goes? Many people are still convinced "Johnny on the spot" has a future with the company because productive, smart and alert people are incredible company investments. Up on the block is the mind and body that's struggling daily to keep from falling asleep. Automatic pink slip right? Not since 2008! Everybody can be the victim! But let's live like we're in dreamland. Ok...sleepy people get kicked off the ship first. paints the picture of your consistent energy drops and fatigue and how they've now begun the journey of affecting your work, family life and free time. I don't know about you but the moment I give into exhaustion... I have trained my system to stop at the same time every day. I can't stop! We were designed to live for the experience. We refused to take our full vacations believing what little time we get off needs to be saved and or abused at a later time. But did you ever ask the question of why we like these things? The answer is we like to have experiences. We all want to experience new things, see new places explore new horizons. So, how are you going to do that when you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes open? Load up! Juice up! Never take your eye off the invention of incredible pick me up's that haven't been approved by the FDA. But facts are facts, without energy you will miss out on many if not most of the experiences you should have had in your life. lists two incredibly fast ways to dramatically increase your daytime energy. 1. Drink More Water. Most people don't know this but over 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. And, dehydration is the number one cause of daytime energy loss or fatigue. The method they talk about is that you fill up a certain size container of water in the morning and then be sure that you have drunk it all during the day before you go to bed. The key is that you should never actually get thirsty. Why? Because being thirsty is your bodies way of telling you that your already dehydrated. 2. Eat 5 to 6 small meals per day. The number one secret to weight loss is also one of the secrets to having all the energy you want as well. The reason it works is that when you eat small meals a lot more often you keep both insulin and your blood sugar levels stable. It's nearly impossible to have constant free flowing energy all day long if your blood sugar is always high or low. When you put these tricks into action and then combine them with the other 9 ways to up your energy what you have is a super simple way to finally get your life back. But what if you can't live up to's approach? Eating too much can lead to a food addiction and I was clinically labeled a water-a-holic. It can lead to sever heart issues. So what's next? Sitting with the Preacher Man in my studio this morning we both agreed that societies workday habits has put a major dent on how we perform during the darkest days of the year. Jonathan kept bringing up the Foo Fighters song Wheels, "When the wheels touch down a part of you will be left behind." Accepting the world of commerce and the avenues that lead to and from its success creates a better mindset. He brought up the alligator philosophy where hosting a gator in your home that's been injured badly still leaves you prone to possible disaster. Know what your company is at all times. It is the modern wave of keeping the lights on. Be in the business of you and protect the company that you're the CEO and President of with integrity. Termination means you've lost a client. It doesn't mean your life and dreams are over. If that's too deep for you... try this: Have you exercised lately? The rise and fall of temperatures means business offices can't keep their hands off the thermostat...get your office to comfy cool. Be "Greater" at what you do by investing in the energies required to make your foundation solid. The moment a brick slips...who cares? Get your hands dirty and put another one in place. It might not look big beautiful and bright but at least you didn't fall into a slump. That's where self abuse and injuries begin and that's not who you are as a person. I will always believe in you first. That thought may not keep the cable TV on but knowing you aren't alone fuels your desire to keep reaching out of the circle for bigger and better bricks.

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