Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pictures Of New Book: Part Fifteen

Once free from the teen years life inside the realms of reality introduced me to several different writing characters. My first wife was a brilliant writer! Except she had a tremendous weakness. The act of story sharing. Forget the book! That's the final step. Everything she put down on paper had to be read immediately. Followed by, "What'd you think?" Eventually the most simple paragraph became her worst nightmare. One person could see, feel and hear what she was painting in words while another would shrug their shoulders and walk away. Sharing what you create is 100% natural. I find tremendous inspiration in writers that stop hiding their works of expression. Once free for the chosen few to view; the pain of delivery strikes in ways that can easily silence the journey. It requires tremendous discipline to keep your writing away from judgment. Even though your bestest friend in a whole wide world claims they love love love it... The very moment those ten itty bitty fingers touch the computer keyboard the imagination takes hold of the replay tape, "Did they truly like it or were they just being nice?" Disconnection while writing a project is a safe place. Nobody understands it. That's ok... you are the writer and they can wait to read it with the rest of the world.
This photo is the handwritten being turned into digital. Another discipline is learning to trust the original idea. While rat a tat tat tatting on the keyboard my thoughts are constantly caught in emotion, "What if I bend the storyline just a little, then a little more then...oh crap! I have to change the ending!!!!"

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