Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pictures Of A New Book: Part Sixteen

I laughed out loud in church on Sunday. Elevation front man Steven Furtick tried to explain what it's truly like to be given the reins of a new book idea. "It's very exciting! The words flow. Once the idea is put down on paper people ask where they can buy it. No! I have to go back and edit. They think writing a book is nothing more than throwing down a bunch of thoughts and then you're off on a book tour. You're always facing deadlines and changing minds. Writing a book isn't a project. It's a process."
During my current process dubbed Scrambled Eggs...spent with no cash return are the past three days. How many books have you set aside because the first paragraph gives off a scent of nothingness? Writers live in a time zone still unborn. Locked but not lost the storyteller fine tunes the hairbrush knowing it'll soon be whittled into a comb.

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