Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pictures Of A New Book: Part Twenty Four

I was recently asked if being a writer classified me as being legally insane. My reply was, "Absolutely and proud of it." The writer gets away with a lot of bad behavior. At times he can be playfully poetic or masterfully creative by way of selling cars to an invisible ant walking across a 200 degree burning desert floor. The writer also has a foul mouth. By displaying only part of this photograph I personally feel you aren't getting the full shot of what being a writer is or how to live in the mind, body and soul of a writer. Because the writer took evil hits against me, it was believed to have been too personal and non-writer's would find reason to offer more judgment.
I can't imagine playing radio for thirty plus years, painting on a canvas then displaying it in New Orleans to recording music featured on life changing web pages and or just heading out for the weekend to go camping somewhere in the middle of nowhere without having a writing instrument inches from the tips of an imagination I've grown to trust. Being a writer is a journey. The acceptance of friendship without having to rely on a relationship. Because if I could I'd fire my writer's ass and hit the nearest Wal-Mart for a new one. But writer's don't come in boxes nor are they slipped between cards then stuffed into envelopes. My writer is and can be great. To silence it doesn't steal from me. Famed painter Peter Max said to me, "What you create doesn't belong to you. Therefore you don't have the right to silence it." I ache when writer's tell me they've set aside projects or feel no need to be filled with expression. Honestly it's not the writer I'm compassionate for. It's the reader that could have had a better day if the writer had chosen to be self-less rather than selfish. My new book Scrambled Eggs is my calling. I heard something incredibly too loud to set aside. I haven't a clue as to where it's going to end up. It doesn't matter. The end result of my end result could truly be the first step of a readers new beginning.

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