Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's the difference between loyalty and forgiveness?

Well well…Matt was given the much touted reprieve on American Idol last night. The infamous vetoed American vote put into play by Simon, Paula, Kara and Randy…funny how it took place the very night Jennifer Hudson, one of the most well known shoulda could’ve been’s returned for an encore performance.

Truth is…we have nothing to complain about…the newly written rule states the judges have until the top five to rearrange the popular vote…Jennifer, Chris Daughtry, Kelly Pickler, Katherine McPhee, Bo Bice, David Archuleta, Justin with the fuzzy hair and Clay Aiken did quite well on their journey toward larger trophies, stages and television deals because as we’re constantly told…someone has to go.

But what if real life delivered to each us four different judges blessed with the power to rip a bad time from the chapters we write and make it better than good? Can you name a single moment worth rethinking? Knowing that changing such an event can turn your Back to the Future purpose of taking fifth place into an American Dad episode where a single cassette tape left behind physically will wreak havoc on the final presentation.

Openly I admit, I probably wouldn’t have said, “I do…” in Cody, Wyoming during the bone chilly days of February 1981. Being Zack Efron several chapters before he crept onto the scene put me in places of decision making that featured plenty of warning signs but with an attitude like Johnny Depp, “Oh what the heck!” The state of Montana came with rules; no one below the age of 18 will get married on our soil. So we ran away to Wyoming…where we were promptly pulled over and nearly arrested because my mouth got away from me. But heyyyy…I was Matthew McConaughey! Wait…he didn’t come along for a couple more decades.

Yet, I can’t physically pull off a Simon, Paula, Kara and Randy…my luck and addiction to codependency; I’d still be locked up in Lewistown, Montana playing Conway Twitty and Nat King Cole. What I needed was a big big big town like Billings! A town of barely 100,000 where every cow and sheep are still numbered by hand and the chickens walk the streets like fashion queens from L.A. The only way I was going back home was to calmly say, “Yes dear…”

Believe it or not, second, third and fifteenth chances are an everyday occurrence. Look how many DUI’s are served then reserved a month or two later. It’s as if we’ve become a people of grand forgiveness. The latest issue of US Weekly features an innocent pop shot of Lindsay Lohan begging for fan forgiveness. Come on now! We have too! It’s Lindsay, star of Herbie the Love Bug!

You’d think we’d learn! Seriously, unless it’s fully planned out, Matt probably won’t pull off an American Idol win. The same way my brother can’t erase his fixation with the national sensation called meth. No matter how many lives are affected, the infection never includes a clear cut escape.

Maybe we should live like trees! A forest is far from being forgiving. Look how many thinly barked sticks stuck feet first in mud lean hard to the right just to get a sneak peak of the light. If a true forest isn’t humanized in allowing the roots of forgiveness to seed the streams, cedar pines barely reach three feet in length while others stretch and stretch then end up getting buried during a powerful snow storm.

One of the greatest stories ever told belongs to that of Chief Joseph from the Nez Pierce nation. He loved his people so much his destination in life was to constantly forgive the intruders of the land and just move his people…so he did over and over again and again. What most modern day American’s don’t realize is that being Native American in 1864 in the state of Colorado was illegal…obviously it became the big fad because millions of lives suddenly changed after the conclusion of the Civil War. Wouldn’t that be an incredible place to start the Simon Cowell second chance train?

Car makers want money to start over. Big banks are making bucks again because they were allowed to pick up the pieces. The Stock Market is soaring yet unemployment in some places has reached eleven percent. Outside of the Tea Party Protesters on last nights NBC Nightly News is anyone complaining? Wait wait…I’m not judging…just taking the time to recognize Simon, Paula, Kara and Randy in a large group of real people.

Did OJ Simpson get a second chance then blow it? Is Michael Jackson on his last fifteen minutes of fame? Probably not…he sold out 50 shows in less than ten days. Will we ever love pirates again? The most recent headlines put a twist on our passion for those associated with the Caribbean. Pete Rose belongs in Baseballs Hall of Fame! What about Barry Bonds who couldn’t have done what he did without pumping up his volume.

Britney Spears is hot hot hot! George W is not not not! But hey, neither was Jimmy Carter right after his years in the White House.

Earlier this season the inside word was Simon and company already picked this years American Idol winner. Two heart beats free of such rumors and Alexis was out. Checked her out a couple days later on Ellen…she could’ve beat out Gokey and Lambert.

This close to a Friday and I had to go and get political. I can see the emails now, “Where’s my spiritual pick me up disc jockey man? What did you do, sleep with CNN last night? Get pulled over doing 95 in a 55 on your wedding day?” Actually, I failed to stop at the corner, which signaled to the nice people in blue in Cody, Wyoming something just didn’t seem right with the car from Montana. He popped on the lights and began would could’ve been the biggest change of my life.

Ever feel that way about your everyday? What if we learned to stop at the corner of walk and don’t walk and softly asked, “Where are you going in such a hurry?” Where would you be ten years from today? And would you be so willing to forgive and forget when you know what you did, didn’t sit too well inside the ranks of popularity.

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