Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Calm down cowboy....

The Federal Reserve can announce all they want about how the Great Recession of 09 has finally walked off the stage but that’s not going to keep business leaders and key keepers from pushing people out the front door. It’s third quarter! For the journey toward the center of the earth to be a complete success for stockholders and other invisible investors, the bottom line must shine like a diamond out of the rough.

The common man and woman aren’t free from reason to fear.

So what happens if you’re casually walking down the company hallway and by chance you hear of inevitable changes coming to your workplace? Is it proper to inform coworkers or do the methods that which make up professionalism paint the plastic face on the body you present to the rest of the world?

I went to the expert Anne Marie Sabbath whose been bombarded with this unfriendly field of dried flowers and sugarcane since the planet went broke this time last year. The best way to handle a situation you happened to come across is to whip out a Zoro mask and keep walking straight and forward.

See no evil—hear no evil. Become the professional by practicing incredible work ethics...that means absolutely without a doubt there won’t be any talk or discussion about the game plan of the team that’s soon to come under heavy artillery.

According to Anne Marie, while you owe loyalty to your friends, the assumed secret conversation was not directed at you. For that reason, mum is the word or it’ll be you dumped on the overcrowded unemployment street.

Speaking of that extremely cold and horribly lonely place of discomfort—nobody is set free to live life without carrying with them an opinion and a voice to share it. Thanks to underpaid adventures blessed with multitasks larger than Mount Mitchell, the avenues of keeping it cool are being challenged hourly. What happens when the snap in the air isn’t a branch from a nearby forest? What’s the best way to react when the tempers been set on fire and the rest of your body parts have elected to act completely inappropriately?

Anne Marie isn’t shy to fist your knuckles while calling you friend—quickly extend your apology to anyone and everyone who might have fallen witness to such an offensive display. While this moment of darkness has introduced your light to a new level of did you hear…the way you handled the moments after they unwrap themselves from the cocoon will be best remembered. Regaining composure and acknowledging your performance of the day lets the situation swim in a pool of conditions now under control.

Kanye West is a brilliant example of oops something doesn’t feel right. Within seconds after the trip, stumble and fall, the Hip Hop artist apologized on Twitter which opened the door for him to be publicly reprimanded on the all new Jay Leno Show on NBC. You couldn’t help but feel his personal pain from the stunt when Leno calmly asked, “I knew you mother, how do you think she would’ve reacted to this?”

Say what you will about Mr. West while keeping in mind we’ve all been in his shoes along this path leading straight to the unpainted horizon. Seriously, lets be honest…how many times have you mumbled rotten words during someone’s acceptance speech without feeling an ounce of guilt after it slipped out of the dark side of your soul? This is why I DVR everything! Why waste a good mood on something you can fast forward through?

Sadly reality doesn’t come with that button or we’d all be running for President of the United States…only the perfect people make it office. Then once inside the oval curves of decision making you become every reason why the snake is round and crawls on the ground and the car won’t start, the food isn’t frozen when you pull it from the freezer and it’s got to be the Presidents fault that KISS isn’t in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. The closest fans have gotten is Prince who once recorded a song called Kiss. So we settle...

The moral of today’s story isn’t to paint your face with a masquerade mask of mystery—being false to the world is nothing more than a white lie. Be real while thinking twice about the product being delivered. If change lurks in the corners to which you call the workplace take it as a signal for you to showcase the game called, “If I ran this company.” Being at the top of the company ladder is risk waiting for its maker. How would you best protect the roots of a tree now leaning?

As for tempers and fits? There are way too many reasons why we suddenly shoot off like a Fourth of July holiday—when hit hard by the action and reaction of someone who doesn’t fit in the pieces offered on your puzzle…slowly breathe in enough air to fill your stomach, poof that belly out like a blow fish and then slowly release it. Repeat the procedure several times if required.

Never forget the golden rule of martial arts…a black belt isn’t out to dent your tail…we walk in peace. Breaking boards and bricks is Hollywood.

Steal my art…

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