Spent some time with a Grand Master of Martial Arts last evening…a true root from the country the Martial Art originated—my only purpose was to seek knowledge, to never stop learning, to be a clean sheet of paper always willing to listen so each chapter already written can be given birth inside a generation time has set aside for them to build their own foundations.
An apple cannot become a fruit if a single part of its journey goes unrecognized—one naturally assumes a spring breeze softly kisses the curved neck of a nearby limb leaving out the un-unionized agreement with the bumble bee department whose partnership allows families of other insects to stop in for a bite, each bringing with them an energy required to push that apple through what once looked like an unstable white tree flower.
A more simple approach would be the walls and mountains we often complain about, “Life would be more enjoyable if I could make it over this current challenge.”
We spend so much time trying to get over the mountain we fail to realize all rolling hills have sides to which we can maneuver ourselves around. Even if you had the strength of 100 men and mountain moving was truly your fine craft…the makings of that mighty beast have to go somewhere…where do you place it…behind you creating another mountain?
While swiftly turning forty I wrote, “An old man isn’t a wise man nor is a wise man an old man. Wise is the forever student.”
All too often we’re not given the correct digits to type into the GPS system making us feel as if we’ve become lifeless and stranded on the corner of walk and don’t walk. Truth is…inside five years our lack of interest in real maps will force young adults into a state of bewilderment when the television weatherman says, “The hurricane is located near Costa Rica.” Where?
The digital map mountain was needed to help aid men from getting lost and or being embarrassed while asking for directions. The stones from that nightmare have since been moved to an area that which blinds the next level of learners who couldn’t care less about globes and long lines leading to far away places.
The Dogwood tree is considered the most devoured plant on Mother Earth—deer, squirrels and birds from far, far away places require its bark, leaves and buds to give them the necessary energy to help lift their directed purpose to a place of success. A single beaver family has constructively taken out sixty Dogwoods on the ancient lake to which I dwell…what becomes of the road map? Each animal brings with it a seed, if nothingness begins to appear doesn’t the mountain become a desert that which the wind controls creating as well as recreating everything from dunes to mirages that can never been reached.
The great financial crisis of 07, 08, 09 and rumored to be deep into the tens has become the average late night shows chatter, “China saved America.” You laugh and laugh until the monthly statement arrives and its you who has to pay them back.
Reality asks, “Where were the stones from this crisis placed?”
Nothing feels better this holiday season than to hear Wall Street is still pumping in more than 10,000 points and the major leaguers of banking have paid back their billions by way of gaining access to future CEO’s. Am I blind here? I swear I didn’t see someone taking notes! You know, lessons learned, because sadly…their continued mistakes at the top of the food chain mean more unemployment and homelessness.
The Toys for Tots campaign is down 60%. There are no long line of cars searching for parking spots at the mall and the Grand Master of Martial Arts softly said to me last night, “Parents have lost their vision of teaching children right from wrong, so they allow them to play in streets.” The moment those words rolled off his well educated lips I was reminded of the incredible amount of stories that made it to the eleven o’clock news about not just kids but adult being hit by cars this past year.
Almost sounds like we’ve been set in the center of the salt flats in Utah and ordered to find something pure to drink.
The Baby Boomers, The Me Generation, Generation X and Y, men, women 25 to 49, 18 to 54, Pepsi drinkers to beer guzzles, Panther fans and lovers of video games and IPods…we’ve been called everything……………………………………..but lost. That’s because there are no road maps leading us to the nearest dictionary.
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