Friday, March 26, 2010

We'll never make it to Mars...not until they turn it into a cell phone.

Seriously…what’s next? Venturing into the Lite 102.9 on-air studio and there on the counter sat an Iphone hooked up to a world begging to be discovered, rewritten and bent in ways that make everyday finely tuned and perfect again.

Is knowledge power or are we still trying to keep up with the Jones’?

What’s the next hookup? In an age of fads lasting no longer than the next text message—every walk of life is desperately trying to figure out how to act without making it look as if they’re reacting.

Rollingstone Magazine reports compact disc sales are so low music makers and companies have finally smartened up and elected to explode into a new era of $6 collections of tunes, which is kind of weird since Ipod and MP3 players fit comfortably into our life and style.

Personally, I love what Billy Corgan formerly of the Smashing Pumpkins is doing—write it, produce it, give it away free. The dude gets it…why waste your time trying to build a fan base in an age where 80% of those attending your concert swiped the tune they’ll be singing with you at the arena?

If a civil war breaks out in this country it won’t be over a government that lost touch with the people that elected them—times become hard to handle when the elements that make up what we call entertainment are no longer approachable. Take away the next set of Twilight Movies and war will be had. Slip a device into video games that force them to shut off at bedtime and you might as well wakeup General George Patton.

Cell phones are toys. We aren’t the generation that enjoys the thought of communicating. We talk because it beats boredom. We send text messages because we can’t stand the sound of other people’s voices. How often do you stand in front of someone at work and think, “Please, I beg you…just text me! You’re abusing me by making me stand here and have a physical conversation.”

Guess who’s making fun of our current fad? Hollywood!

Yanked away are the chains that have us locked down in 2010. One jump into the hot tub and poof we’re sent back to 1986, the year when cell phones were the size of a monkey or mother-in-law on your back. Those gifted with the bucks to haul them around constantly spoke of better days ahead…something about being LINKed to an always on the go generation.

Those who lived out the 52 weeks of 86 don’t remember the 80’s as being a wonderful time. It seemed to be in the way. George Orwell’s 1984 didn’t amount of anything so it was time to put focus on something called 2000. Holy cow we might actually make it!

What I loved most about Hot Tub Time Machine is the reality it showcased when the characters hated the idea of cruising back to the 80’s. Although it seemed to be the birthing year of many musical acts and the fads that developed around them…that ten year span was nothing more than added weight to the overstuffed boxes hidden away in the attic.

Life was quickly becoming stale which forced Bill Gates into overplay. It was time to downsize the computer. From this day forward it didn’t need to be three city blocks long.

I still remember talking on my first cell phone…it belonged to the radio station general manager who forgot it in the promotions van. Once my eyes caught onto that talker in a box…I wasted no time to talk, talk, talk and talk some more without realizing in those days you paid by the minute a lot!

When the monthly statement arrived he demanded to know how spent over 2 hours talking to someone in Montana.

Today…we can call the moon and never be charged. You gotta like toys that are created around us. The problem is…technology isn’t keeping up with our hunger. Computers in cars are a joke. We’re not saving gas we’re giving service departments 500 to a 1,000 reasons why they need to see us every 15,000 miles.

HDTV is the biggest con job of the new millennium—the average cable bill is $150 to $250 dollars a month…and for what? Frozen picture frames! Televisions shows may look better but physically seeing Alec Baldwin’s facial pours is gross. Joan Crawford had it down right…blur the lens a little bit…soften her appearance. Actors are like music…the classics will live forever while anyone new on the scene get less than 15 minutes of fame.

Seriously what’s next? Do we honestly have anything to look forward to? James Cameron may have reinvented 3-D with Avatar but was it worth $15 bucks a pop? 3-D television will be available in stores later this year…how close are you to setting aside this months check to the water company to score a deal on a television that looks so incredibly real that you can reach out and touch it. In a matter of months all you’ll see is a picture, there won’t be any words…

Hollywood gets it! They’ll text you the script.

Maybe I’m becoming my mother…she still has a rotary phone and flat out refuses to get a computer. A secretary for 8 different bowling leagues and she’s still pushing the ink from a pen. How old do you have to be when you no longer feel guilty about wanting to keep up with the Jones'?

Am I willing to give up the idea that its all about me?

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