Words like “humble” or “humbled” sound as if it came straight from a Dr. Seuss childhood adventure. A squeaky kid like character, barely a hair to his forehead, maybe six inches in size, no real fire in his eyes, just a walk with very little talk, an avenue he took without his canoe, humbled and a bit rumbled, a simple fumbling made way for a such a place, a horse with no name and but he elected to call his dog Friend.
hʌm bəl, ˈʌm-/ Show Spelled [huhm-buh l, uhm-] Show IPA adjective,-bler, -blest, verb,-bled, -bling.
not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.
having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc.: In the presence of so many world-famous writers I felt very humble.
low in rank, importance, status, quality, etc.; lowly: of humble origin; a humble home.
courteously respectful: In my humble opinion you are wrong.
low in height, level, etc.; small in size: a humble member of the galaxy.
In martial arts we are trained daily to locate the path of ones humbled way…a low ranking white belt may be teamed up with a second degree sporting black and not once shall you see anger, disappointment or a mutilating of the lesser in thought because no matter what his or her rank is, to present the ancient message in the most humble way…and that is to teach. It is their studies that teaches them to lower their black belt status to white belt so the newly arrived student can have a reason to be inspired and not pushed to a corner to dry up in the early hot winds brought on by a distant summer’s first kiss.
Most upper belts will openly admit the most feared student on the floor is the one carrying the less heavy experience, those who’ve not learned the fine art of being humble.
Came across a quote at 2:45 this morning: You were created so others wouldn’t be lonely.
Stop right there! In a mechanical and technical world of self guided behavior and the tools that make us less receptive to face to face time…during a cold period in American history where four best friends can have lunch without looking at each other because their eyes and thumbs are perminantly glued to their text messaging devices—we were created to keep others company?
The humbling experience available is to participate through methods of lip service and not necessarily tap, tap, double space, click, click…send. Easier said than done right? Being a former teen, one whose path wasn’t allowed to become addicted to the power of telephone conversations and the act of having friends over for dinner…it’s extremely difficult to paint the tale of a poet who circled his reasons for being around a symphony of others who valued his place in history.
But in reality…its not I who is of importance. The quote says: You were created so others wouldn’t be lonely.
That simply means your day should begin with an effort to offer coworkers, family members and friends a kind gesture fed by a desire to help them feel less lonely in a world that has become extremely distracted by the toys billionaires make to keep us from dreaming about taking them over.
I used to walk the halls of past chapters with much bigger names vowing to never speak unless spoken to first. Who had the ego? Me… The effort was to help create a better speaking path and by going silent I had hoped such a miserable place of silence might inspire the bigger name to say something extremely simple like, “Yo or Dude.”
You were created so others wouldn’t be lonely.
Change can only happen if you’re willing to become the white belt without being asked.
I can’t expect people to read a commercial script as if they’ve been doing it for 25 years… Master Todd Harris never puts me in a place where my body can’t properly act or react in a martial arts class brimming with 16 year olds whose legs and bodies can withstand the pressure of extremely high kicks and flips.
The world of business in America set itself up for failure. Employees became bosses whose attitude was set on getting to the top then not knowing what to do once there. Leadership through intimidation continues because Abraham Lincoln hasn’t been reincarnated. Until there’s a voice from the top whose lived the way of current conditions nothing will change.
You were created so others wouldn’t be lonely.
In essence…you lead so others can believe. You provide for your family so they don't go without. You build so others have shelter. You create so that tomorrow is gifted with modern art. The words you choose to share must be delivered the same way. The moods you develop aren’t always taken the way your soul meant to deliver them. The people taking it all might physical feel something else, which then begins the chain...their bad day becomes another persons and so on.
Your height in society means nothing to a person three inches shorter unless you’re willing to share with them how to find victory in everyday during those moments when your head sinks lower than their shoulders. Wanna know when I see that most? When you’re texting. Nothing looks more uninspiring and unbelievably sad than a passerby whose hanging their head.
You might be locked in a great word to word conversation…but presentation is everything and the message you are sending has nothing to do with anyone but you and if your shoulders are turned in and your eyes aren't watching the world continue to grow by the minute, that tells the white belt there’s no reason to look forward to the future.
You were created so others wouldn’t be lonely.
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