Friday, July 2, 2010

History isn't a you share it is...

Quotes my folks never said but the “Heart” Dr. did:

“You’re the guy that does those loud annoying car commercials? Let me hear you do one now…” 7/21/09 while being prepared for surgery.

“See this area…that’s your block…give me a couple more minutes and I’ll get you back to living.” 7/21/09

“You need to listen to me…these pills are not drugs. See them as your map to succeed another day, week and we can all hope another lifetime. I don’t care how clean you claim to be…if you want to live, you need to guarantee me that you’ll never miss a day.” 7/23/09

“No you can’t go back to Tae Kwon Do! You’ve got to accept that you’ve injured the inside of your body and there’s not enough air in the world that will heal it faster than time!” 7/30/09

“The only way I’m going to clear you to return to martial arts is if you pass a Nuclear Stress test. Please listen to me, people three weeks from having a heart attack don’t do what you’re attempting to do.”

“I’ve never had a patient wear their martial arts uniform to a checkup before.”

“If you had gone only three minutes you’d be in cardiac rehab. When you didn’t stop after nine minutes I took your name off my list to see once a month. How you made it beyond 13 minutes is every reason why you should always remain loyal to being a black belt in martial arts.”

“I asked you not to do pushups and you did. I asked you not to return to Tae Kwon Do and you did. You completely ignored me when it came to taking time off from work. It was your choice not to listen and because you walked into this with a winning attitude I’d say the most recent pictures of your heart creates the words I can’t seem to come up have no physical scaring or evidence that you had a heart attack. In golf they call that a mulligan. In the world of medicine…you are what we call a miracle.”

“Even after a year, I’m still in shock this happened to you. There’s nothing in your family history that sends out warning signals. This leads me to believe the events of July 21, 2009 are based solely on eating habits. Get rid of the Chinese and fast food and you’ll never have to see me again.”

“You’re too young to be on this many pills. On July 21, 2010 you’ll begin the process of letting go. By October, I fully expect you to be 100% off all medications. You’ll be back to where you once stood. Don’t give me any credit for this…this was all you.” 7/1/10

July 2, 2010:

The journey that tilted the axes of my world is far from over...I feel like I’m fifty two weeks behind schedule. I grasp the idea that you can never catch up on lost sleep…turning dreams into reality is a different concept and story. Weeded will be the wars I once cared for. To feel peace you must learn to walk in peace. My couple of minutes are up…it’s time to get back to living.

Out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind…silence is for people who say, “I quit.”

Steal my art….

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