Attempting something that’s complicated and always being in a rush; two the most miserable pills to take when wanting to escape the pressures of everyday living and just breathe by way of being creative.
Taking everything negative too seriously; it gives the Master’s of Opinions daily permission to walk into your chapters and stop you from growing.
Assuming what you dream is much much too expensive and there’s no way on God’s green earth you’re going to be able to fulfill your wishes of at least trying.
The weekend is here! Time to create! Pull your motor up to the computer and let’s fill you full of inspiration. Wouldn’t it be great if it truly worked that way? I fake my way through more conversations when people learn of my career then swiftly follow the introduction with, “Say something funny! Talk like a disc jockey!”
The average person is programmed to say that…tell me a radio on-air talent who doesn’t try hoisting the tone of their vocals downward while attempting to pop a happy shot into a listeners incredibly busy day. As stupid as Program Directors claim it sounds…its always fun to notice it’s the one thing a listener remembers about the station they've already forgot.
Let’s put focus on the second group of artist or creative person shut downs…
You don’t have to be in radio or reporting for Channel 400 news to come face to face with criticism or a totally innocent person who’s completely willing to offer a suggestion on how to improve. As my Mother systematically reminds me, “Don’t you dare think what you do is any different than what real people with real jobs face everyday.”
Constructive criticism is a corporate term that gives bosses the legal right to tell it to you straight. Interestingly enough it doesn’t stop at the front door. Your sister has her share mixed in with your neighbors, cousins, minister and sometimes I swear even the cats and dogs give you a look that says, “Bite me!”
Mom’s been involved with the public well beyond the suggested limits; forty plus years of handling bowling leagues while keeping all that takes place behind the scenes moving forward, which has slammed her into many piles of other people's escapes…bowling is about releasing right? I remember Rockin Ray telling me that every time he’d step up to the foul line the head pin was someone he wasn’t in the mood to properly digest.
During a typical week, the average person endures 85% negativity which embarrassingly manhandles the remaining spirit because what little energy is left is dominated by a need not to grow because it takes a lot to pick up your aching tired butt, wipe the dirt off your shirt and look fate in the eyes again and again.
Wanna know how to get by all those evil vibes? Laugh…
When Johnny Joe Barker Face with a bright green booger in his nose stops into your place of creative flow to offer his message…do nothing more than make it a surface hit. Nobody has the right to enter your soul performance. As miserable as it is to painstakingly sit through nag, nag, nag always remind yourself that Perfect Johnny has a hole in his underwear and if he’s rushed to the hospital the doctors will quickly realize he didn’t listen to his mother, “Always wear perfect skivvies!”
Number two: If the bombardment of your day is always in the same place. When Johnny and his boogers show up at the door…invite him to a new place to stand; it takes them off their game. New environments affect bullies too.
Absolutely this is complicated to achieve and you can’t help but rush your way into building a better relationship. Ever heard of AM Stereo? Cool idea but it went nowhere. Nobody wanted to purchase the receiver. By convincing yourself that creating a better place of peace is too complicated, you in essence have refused to sell AM Stereo systems to clients. You could rush out and nab 100 of them but in the end only a few might fall off the shelf.
Why is Face Book, Skype, Twitter and the old fashioned email looked upon as being the solid line that connected the dots between the generations? It’s allowed Tommy and Sally from Farmville Backwoods USA to take their time and figure out a more trusting way to communicate. I still meet people who call the web the work of the Devil. I refuse to believe that because after forty years of searching I finally found my two sisters Jamie and Irene.
Assuming what you dream is much much too expensive kills the thought of being creative. Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot and Sears bank on your doubt. They make it too easy to dabble in tiny projects that make you say, “Wow! I did something!” Then you look out the window and still see the same old backyard that really could use a tiny garden or roses for the deer to eat. I swear that’s the only reason why I planted so many flowers in the front…there’s no better feeling than walking outside and Momma Dear is chomping on her version of a granola bar. Seeing her twin fawns with speckled butts is priceless!
When was the last time you admitted to being happy? Not fake happy! Not Brady Bunch or Gilmore Girls happy…but happy. Family Guy, Married with Children, The Simpson’s, How I Met Your Mother, Everybody Loves Raymond…big ratings winners! Because they are the face of true America…miserable and always willing to swiftly turn a different direction because what you no longer see doesn’t exist. We watch them to relate and that makes us laugh. Comedy doesn’t exist unless you’ve been there.
Which is my way of saying wear undies with a hole in them…how can you laugh at your boss if you didn’t laugh at yourself first?
I will always believe in you…
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