Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to stop a blizzard on a hot day...

It doesn’t have to be winter to snow. It snows everyday at work, at home, at the grocery store and while standing in line at the bank or movie theater. Don’t even think about blaming this on Mother Nature or seizing control of your boss by snagging an excuse to skip a full day to play.

We are the they and them’s that whip the world of lets pretend from under our stinky toes refusing to grow and snowball the affects of what is to be, shall be, will become whatever day the calendar says it is.

Come clean with the thinking machine…how often do you become extremely uptight while bathing in something as simple as a thought?

We’ve made it too easy to be negative. We’ve given permission to anyone, everyone, including the self looking back from the mirror to endure zips, zaps and things that go splat; combing it over with, “Everybody has a bad day…”

But it invites insecurity.

One thought jumps into the shoes of the next then the Scooby Doo Underoos of another and everything that should be is nothing more than a tangled up mess of miscommunication, not only with your self but each and every itty bitty teeny weenie piece of the pie that comes near you. Even Evil Knievel would’ve never attempted to leap over your mood swings.

How do we keep landing in this same predicament? If it wasn’t for bad luck you’d have no luck at all. Research shows late night wake ups lead to multiple seed planters that you tend to carry far into the next day. A phone call you forgot to place, a conversation you had on the web that might have crossed the line, a coworker that challenged and you continue to allow them to always be right. It piles up higher than a mountain begging the heavens for snow capped peaks.

It called Thought Attacking. Negative vibrations combined with endless amounts of horrid tingles created by insecurity create an energy source that requires endorphins to move through. Endorphins are a natural drug to your body. If you aren’t producing them, common sense becomes a mind trick and your new natural becomes a fix on excitement. The cheapest way to get fired up is to pick a fight.

How can you stop Thought Attacking? By becoming aware of how you act then react when it’s taking place. An alcoholic, drug abuser or gambler rarely knows the damage they’ve created until the truth is set free inside their process of thinking. The goal is to catch yourself in the act of snowballing your day, it’ll be easier to shut it down.

Being from the Big Sky Country where things are a little more open and free I have a mouth and a mind of my own; it gets me in a lot of trouble. Put my sister and I in the same room and you might as well have invited Rick Flair and Ivan Koloff over for dinner. Forty six chapters into the book we’ve learned a better path to travel…admit that we’re different, agree that we’re never going to agree and no matter what at the end of every conversation say, “I love you.” It’s a cute little way of saying, “You’re such a bone head and there’s nothing we can do about you being this close but ok…we have one thing in common…you freak.”

Having an obsession with next day events is an addiction. Did you know that Marvin Gaye was obsessed with fear? He feared everything. That fear led to other addictions which fed into several streams of change leading to a serious lack of trust in family and friends.

When consumed with an obsession you need to step up to the bar and lay it on the line with a solid, “Wow! You’re doing it again!”

Stop freaking out and get to know the freak inside. Rather than sitting up in bed worried about an event you can’t change be thankful that you care enough to want to correct it. A meeting took place the other day, not everyone attended it. Those that did wanted to blast the silent figures. I chose not to take that route deciding instead to write a letter to everyone that attended linking the names of those that didn’t. Everybody wants to hear a solid, “Thank you!” But when your name isn’t on the list…um oh boy, please don’t call my parents!

Being busy is what we do in America these days…filling your head and heart with thoughts steals the steam from your engine making the little engine that could a contender for couldn’t. Stress is created by obsession. Personally, I’m obsessed with making sure everyone around me is up beat and positive and if you aren’t I’m going to say things that put a fire in your shorts…even if it upsets you so much the principal asks to see me. I meant no harm…I just want everyone to feel like a winner.

It snows everyday but this is one storm you’ve got the power to control. Become aware of how you become in the eyes of others. Know where your footprint sits before squishing your body weight into the mud.

I recently took home every thread of art once on display at work—people seemed shocked but I didn’t. If what you preach is change and change is every second of everyday…how can you lead if art keeps your feet stuck in the past? I know what went into every mark on the canvas…to hang them visible to my naked eye kept my positive attitude exposed to doubt, fear and reasons to no longer believe in the creative way a river flows.

Basically meaning…clean your desk at work; what you’re holding onto is that invisible something that reminds your inside self to take cover.

Welcome to the snowball effect.

I will always believe in you first…


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