Embarrassingly I admit I’ve never been a fan of the Canadian rock group Rush until the poet fell off the stool holding up the drummer. Neil Peart may not be comfortable meeting fans but the ink smudged into his fingerprints is leaving a mark on generations he’ll never meet.
The little Neil things that make you go hmmm, “If you choose not to decide, you’ve still made a choice.”
Neil also wrote, “When you turn the pages of history, when these days have passed long ago—will they read us with sadness for the seeds we let grow?”
“You don’t get something for nothing. You can’t have freedom for free. You won’t get wise with the sleep still in your eyes no matter what your dreams might be.”
CBS is capitalizing on the power of one person’s single thoughts. They’ve taken daily Twitter Tweets and turned it into the hit sitcom Bleep My Dad Says.
Its itty bitty wacky stuff like this that totally motivates the accent people share on a journey toward continued growth. Who needs a lengthy Time, People or Rollingstone magazine drama when newspaper printed comics require four blocks or less to affect your mess?
The Neil Peart quote that shot me off the tread mill was an open minded confession of why you almost never see him at Rush autograph session, “It’s ok to have fans but that doesn’t mean we have to be friends for life.”
A strong confident follower of The Who, Peart jokes about not going all out nuts over taking the time out of his life to shake the hands of Pete Townsend and Roger Daltry. Although success is based on being seen with those currently owning the scene, it’s never been Neil’s thing.
Writers, poets, chefs, cake designers, pottery experts, fashion police and those who put us in the shirts and shorts we wear never come from the same mold yet creative people are constantly criticized for being moody, out of touch, weird, too far out there to understand and the worst…a loner.
To which I reply, “How about those creative geniuses in the banking industry that shot this nation into a recession that should’ve been called a depression making it the most successful marketing campaign of our day.”
Every walk, stroll, run, jog, trip and stumble carries with it a seed to give birth to creative flow. Through choice we elect to paint it a different face. By doing so anyone who has a brilliant idea, comic release, calming tone or visionary experience is labeled different and usually stuffed in an office with a Nerd note taped to the center of their back.
Is WikiLeaks an act of terrorism as suggested by the government or a collection of courageous toss away computer Nerds simply unveiling hidden truths held in the hands of other creative’s who’ve assumed control?
No day passes that we aren’t affected as well as infected by the path of another brain generating waves. When you take the time to break away the surface of the skin society has toughed, unveiled are the Neil Peart’s of the animal pyramid whose passion and purpose in life is anything but ordinary.
I can’t help but wonder how many deer, sheep, squirrels and Doberman Pinchers gather each day to locate the proper note to sing. Native American Spirituality teaches us that it was the human who walked away from that circle of communication believing he or she could live out a much better life not being associated with the other fuzzy’s of the world.
How many bombs does Russia have pointed at us right now? Please tell me again which mammal is winning the communications race?
So where’s the daily motivation or affirmation in this all this? You have the power to change people…how are you doing with your end of the agreement? Grab a pencil sometime and jot down a thought or one thousand and twenty one. You never know who you’ll touch one hundred years after this day.
I’ll always believe in you first…
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