Monday, January 3, 2011

Believe in what you think...

Using your imagination is the art of telling yourself stories. According to the book The Powers Within; putting energy in what your imagination thinks is giving permission to your self to visit the place where things are fresh and pure.

Learning how to tell your self a story becomes the path to that extremely hard to locate inner peace.

Got into a deep conversation with the visiting sisters that dealt with this very topic; an outsider might construe it as being selfish, limitless and in some cases a little careless. Peel away judgment and you’re left with the agreement that we all think at different levels; I put so much focus and trust on the future that I’ve often been asked about the color of the clouds in the sci-fi worlds kept. Susan finds her peace on a path connected to the past while Jamie lets it roll off her shoulder.

Three completely different places of escape yet we all have the same DNA. Now toss in my wife Lee whose personality is completely wrapped around family, the spirit of connection and the patience of a saint. I can’t tell you how many social networking writers questioned the number of family spits, spats and arguments. Not one break out, loose lip or forgotten manners…

Learning to recognize the presence of the imagination requiring something fresh and pure opens the door for peace to grow rose colored petals bathed in platinum and gold. Turning your imagination into something physical creates an expression you’re fully capable of shaping.

Teach yourself how to tell the story. I write everyday. Susan cranks up the music to hear the lyrics while Jamie gets completely involved in reaching out to help, help and help even if it’s a stranger.

The Powers Within explains, “The dreams of childhood are the realities of mature age.”

Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way allows us to believe in the presence of there always being a child; an inner energy that loves to create, draw, cook, blend and bend colors of the rainbow while laughing the day away. But because we’re taught, scolded and reprimanded for being too kidlike, the older we get the less we dream about conquering things as an adult settling instead on a past that none of us were born with special powers to change.

New Years resolutions cannot be brought to the surface of reality without there being a river or stream stretching from the origin of your imagination. For Oprah to launch her OWN Network, it required a thought, a vision and child’s imagination dressed up in adult clothes. As much as you want to give her full credit for doing something that no other daytime talk show host has attempted; the success of the network doesn’t fit 100% in the palms of her hands. What her imagination she created with the people that surround her everyday.

NASCAR is the only sport, entertainment outlet and or drama on television that guarantees its fans that everybody on the team shall be recognized for their efforts. Hollywood tries to do it during the Golden Globes and Oscars but it comes out forced.

To get where you want to go in 2011 convince the voices in your head that it’s completely ok to be you and in doing so allow jealousy to take a seat on a separate flight. Family brawls, coworker battle royals and raised fingers in the center of traffic puts age on the machines required to make your dreams come true.

Putting energy in what your imagination thinks is giving permission to your self to visit the place where things are fresh and pure. If I hadn’t shared what my imagination carried with it into another typical Sunday the opportunity of being with my sisters on New Years Eve on a beach instead of a bar would’ve never happened. Once again, I can’t thank my wife Lee enough for allowing my weirdness to be accepted everyday. And thanks to you for helping to make In Search of Jamie one of the biggest social networking writing projects of my writing career.

I will always believe in you first…

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