Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stop texting and emailing and nab some face time!

An old fashioned direct from the 70’s and 80’s handwritten posted note was recently taped to my radio station control board: Set backs are temporary for they open the door to comebacks.

Does this include face to face time?

Whoever invented the handwritten note didn’t know the people that landscaped the email nor those who’ve climbed the highest peaks known as Face Book and Twitter. I am writer enough to admit 120% of what’s pasted to this computer screen flies over 200% of your heads and yet I’ll do nothing to change it.

I’ve been labeled by so many people Wal-Mart wants to put a digital code on my fingerprints.

Our decision to shove aside a need for more face to face time has turned the business and family world into golf balls. Seriously! How many times a week do you have to explain what you said because someone on the receiving end interpreted it in a way that pretty much says you are a jerk, quirk or far, far deeper into a world that few people ten generations from now still won’t be able to explain.

I text, email and social network everything and everyday someone within the limits of my circle gets hurts, angry or remains undecided on how they should react to something they physically didn’t understand but didn’t feel a need to simply say, “WTA” What the Arroe! Trust me; my name has been used so much in vain that wants to officially dub it the years most descriptive cuss word.

Can I be disappointed with the way we toss out notes without someone thinking they read something differently?

I’m guilty of the note passing crime because it’s what we did in at Billings Senior High. If I wanted to nab the attention of someone or make fun of Mr. Marsh head of drafting…we swung the arm out and passed the words via paper. Such behavior today is looked upon has being bullying. It kills me to think we were bullying the drafting teacher for having a weird as hell Raleigh Fingers from the Oakland A’s handlebar mustache. Nobody could see his lips move! The voice suddenly appeared and it was Zen before Zen was in.

Set backs are temporary for they open the door to comebacks.

What if we brought back face to face time? Lord have mercy I just had a vision of radio station air check sessions where the station programmer wasted no face to face time telling you how much you suck. At least with emails they don’t have to see me sweat.

I’m thinking this digital writing stuff is up to no good and could be the single ingredient that brings this country to the brink of civil war.

Look how it’s infected the business world; people are fired because thoughts were digested improperly; brothers and sister become Rick Flair versus The Rock while fighting it out which totally interrupts the flow of Christmas and birthday parties.

My good friend Randy has the best solution for our addiction to tap, tap, tapping on a keyboard, “The best message to send is when can we meet to talk about this.”

Do I stop blogging? It’s been fun to study all these downloaded books of incredible information then quickly share the message with you but…wouldn’t it be more fair to you if face to face time came into play? Now that I’ve said that…the radio guy in me is generating a different view because everything we say on the radio has nothing to do with seeing you.

So it’s our fault! OMG to the highest level! Because you can’t see me the message shared over that four in a row without talk is being read wrong. Honestly…if you only knew how many on-air talent work diligently on perfecting the fine art of inflection so that what’s being shared is completely understood. Unless you’re Rush Limbaugh, then you’re an old guy shooting off steam. My butt is going to get kicked.

Set backs are temporary for they open the door to comebacks.

Let’s bring back face to face conversations…we have failed as the sound bite instantly text message generation. It’s not working and our minds and bodies weren’t designed for it to work. We only assume God has an internet connection.

I will always believe in you first…

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