I’m not into politics! But I’m completely entertained by the most recent dance and pony show put on by elected leaders airing their individual thoughts and visions by way of massively lighting up the headlines with what’s coming across as a disconnection from reality more than having a firm grip on the process of liberty.
Separate parties with well decorated speakers playing the age old divorce game where the tiny tyke and teen pit the parents against each other, “He said, she said…” then end up walking away with double the pleasure.
Raise your hand if you honestly believe we’re on the brink of financial destruction.
Raise your hand if you’ve shown any concern about the current issue.
It’s tough to gage the current rage knowing relief is easily accessible; Harry Potter has made one billion dollars, gas prices are nearing four bucks but who wants to stop? Rollingstone Magazine reported higher numbers at live performances. If fast food is so fast then why did I have to wait twenty minutes in line at Wendy’s to get a chicken sandwich?
Opposites set free in the midst of a well publicized financial crisis. It’s difficult to invest emotion in failure if the other side of the fence is living life like nothings happening.
Who’s leading? What’s leading? How did we get here?
Published author Seth Godin explains in his book Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us that everybody holds the right to lead. It’s completely natural to say, “I’ll take the lead.”
If you sit and silently stare outside the cubical of the workplace the methods being used to make decisions in Washington are no different than hammering out an idea to keep clients interested in your product in middle and lower class America.
Everybody wants to lead because everybody thinks they can. Company owners find more importance in people with no experience because they come with a degree. Try sharing that philosophy with a black belt martial artist who just got his a** handed to him by a green belt. Although Masters deny doing it…the monthly cost of taking nightly classes buys degrees.
Degrees need to be kept in thermometers.
The decision making position needs to be given back to the employees with the most dirt under their fingernails. Experience has got to mean something! Until its level of purpose is raised it’ll never be found on a shelf at Wal-Mart because it comes with no value.
Seth Godin suggests more people become followers. When your leader lacks commitment, passion or worst of all, when they can’t overcome fear…it’s best to have nothing at all.
It takes guts to admit you don’t have what it takes to lead. The moment you feel it that’s when you get in line and become a follower.
Which if I’m not mistaken is where we currently sit, stand, lean or whatever else we’re doing during these historic times within the depths of constant national change.
The decision to follow hasn’t been difficult; tough to digest are the actions made by those that elected to stay. Action and reaction of not having the proper finances to keep the mother ship a float doesn’t just cost the company but everyone including those who’ve got the experience. No day passes that having the experience isn’t tested but when it’s not being used everything “you are” quickly becomes what “you’ve been.”
Who wins? Who wants to win? For many the decision to not perform by way of proving a point has swiped from the pages of our well being because the secret ingredient as to what once kept American products at the top of its game is gone.
Who’s the leader now? What if the opinions of highly touted voices printed inside expensive magazine covers hold true and all that we know becomes what we once knew…where will you turn?
The most confident man I’ve met in a long time sat a long side a very busy highway over the weekend selling trunks of trees turned into bears, turtles and dolphins. I asked him if he feared the actions of Washington DC and its decision to shy away from correcting what we’ve been told is a bad situation.
“Heck no…” he laughed, “It don’t matter what those politician do; I’ll always find happiness in my art.”
Is he a leader or someone that follows waves of people constantly on the move?
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