I’m thoroughly convinced CEO’s, GM’s and business owners have never played Jinga or Don’t Break The Ice. If every step taken requires something to be removed, how far into the game can one travel before everything invested becomes rubble?
Archeologists from the future won’t be interested in finding bones and tools used to heighten our reasons for being the greatest generation ever; the mandate will be nonexistent because the forthcoming are trained by a population that’s numb to reality.
Something’s seriously wrong with the world when you become jealous of the employees being lied to on the CBS reality show Undercover Boss. The Roman arena of lions attacking brave gladiators has evolved into a conference room filled with pink slips tucked inside brown folders.
In the next twelve months a major banking firm is cutting 30,000 employees worldwide. Wall Street reacted; the value of the banks stock went up. The signal sent to Corporate America, “Continue removing the bricks holding up your foundation.”
The only reason why I’m afraid to admit I produce my best work under tremendous amounts of pressure is because those creating the excess mess find success in making sure I’m constantly one inch from stepping off the cliff.
Knowing the journey toward the future would always be in the dark why did Thomas Edison invent the lightbulb?
It’s because Mr. Edison was afraid of the dark.
Alfred D Souza once said, “The obstacles of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.”
Google last night’s Republican debate and the lights not too bright. Bitterness within the circle steals from the light leading the blind. Voters aren’t being energized by measures that influence their decisions of maintaining a proper voyage toward a brighter horizon.
Does anybody have Moses as a friend on Face Book? David the rock thrower?
Samuel Glover is known for reminding us, “Obstacles are merely a call to strengthen, not quit. You cannot bring change without confrontation. If you have a dream without problems then you don’t have a dream.”
My problem is…I don’t get it.
Does starvation truly have to be the motivational tool that changes a government? When will local television stations produce the public service announcements that show the faces of American families?
There can be no change until the numbness wears off. Numbness is disbelief. When a woodpecker slams its head into a tree to latch onto a microscopic bug the human eye can’t see…does the woodpecker locate the nearest convenience store for headache remedies? I can’t get close enough to locate the answer.
Sidney Harris laughingly states, “Life is as uncertain as a grapefruit squirts.”
“The breakfast of champions isn’t cereal but obstacles.”
Why did Thomas Edison create the lightbulb? He was afraid of the dark.
Why aren’t politicians and big corporate businesses putting value in hiring while reshaping the surface of what once made America the greatest production outlet in the world? Because it doesn’t matter how high the unemployment rate goes up, the electric company expands their monthly statements or cities and states up their taxes the little guy common worker with barely a buck in his pocket isn’t afraid of the dark future.
There can be no light at the end of the tunnel until it’s required… A brilliant book to read is John Mason's Believe you can.
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