I’ve spent too much time writing about how to survive the current multi-tasking crisis damaging the American storefront.
To hit the subject again comes across tiring and un-digestible until you fade the cameras back and see what’s truly taking place while these words smudge brain prints on the face of your flat screen.
I’m multi-tasking!
Another 5 am wakeup call to create radio commercials while sharing a conversation with Channel 961’s Brotha Fred’s producer David about how Motown’s backup band scored more hits then Elvis and the Beatles combined…while maintaining a firm grip on which Clear Channel stations need voices for their clients in Miami, Boston, Milwaukee and Minot, ND.
None of this would be taking place if Bill Gates hadn’t wasted his sleeping hours trying to outperform Apple. This is one shape of the monkey evolution God didn’t have anything to do with. It was if the creator said, “Ok…here’s the reins…show me something entertaining.”
Through the use of computers companies save billions of dollars downsizing. I used to think my Grandparents were the hardest working generation. They couldn’t survive an hour in my shoes.
Heart attacks, strokes, cancer and other viral sicknesses are draining the accounts of insurance companies and Corporate America can’t see why their pockets are empty. Multi-tasking employees have weakened the foundation of success.
Office health issues would improve if the United States Government had the courage to halt the abuse. But they won’t…it’s a state by state issue and the decision maker’s elected into office couldn’t get there without big business paying for billboards and radio advertisements that paint impossible to reach destinations but because we hear the name over and over again, good bad or ugly it’s the lever touched on election day.
Middle and elementary school students know more about publically elected people then parents holding the right to vote. Because of multi-tasking the right choices are masked by incredible marketing departments that spend millions of dollars studying your habits of being too busy to care until it’s too late.
There’ll be no change in America until those dressed up in modern day teen clothes and behavior can no longer get access to video games, the dollar menu, cable TV, cell phone texting and 3-D Friday night movies. If the kids are happy parents are happy.
Why won’t you admit there’s nothing left in your dream drive?
Why is it so damn important for me to keep bringing up the dangers of multi-tasking?
We’ve been brainwashed to believe multi-tasking makes us more productive but research is telling the true Hollywood Story. Impossible has been met. Meeting deadlines is the new American dream. Sacrificed is family, friends and or relationships with people that count. Face Book is loved by Corporate America because CEO’s and GM’s know your need to be loved and accepted is just two clicks away from them getting what they need.
Shattered is the one thing humans were born to do…focus. Multi-tasking cheapens the product because we’ve stopped demanding quality. I’m convinced the best restaurants in town are those with 80 point ratings. Oh wait…that’s multi-tasking talking!
A childhood friend from Montana is a nurse in Washington State…she is the voice cancer patients hear after the doctor’s told them it’s almost over. Cancer patients no longer come in the shape of old parents. You know the age. You know the face. But it doesn’t matter because it’s not happening to you therefore it can’t be real.
Now I sound like my first wife.
Solution…from the pages of Daily Challenges: set aside ten minutes a day to do one thing.
Stop trying to write blogs while talking about law firms with a sales rep while being focused on another reps client coming in for a session in less than an hour only to take note you forgot the Granny Smith Apple on the kitchen counter which means a craving for something sweet is going to take you to the candy machine leading to more weight around your waste and this was the weekend that you and the girls were getting together and damn if you don’t feel fat.
10 minutes…just you doing one thing.
Hey I just wanted to let you know... you're right!