Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cutting Into The Fat Of Ordering Food

Stop and think for a moment. You're impatiently waiting for the fast talker to take your fast food order; how often do you change your mind? While shopping in a big city mall do you constantly pick things up then set them down? Are you the type of driver that can't stay in one lane? If there's five white stripes on a freeway you somehow end between them all! Why then do you demand the perfect marriage? Why do you become extremely disgusted with friends that instantly don't buy into your idea? Why do you do what you do when what you do feeds the veins of a blood sucking "Perfectionist"? A "Perfectionist" is NEVER happy. After several attempts leading to multiple hours of trying to make what they create perfect...a "Perfectionist" ends up settling for second or fifteenth best. You aren't going to find the perfect guy. Even if you did...he'd eventually leave unwashed dishes in the sink, his underwear on the floor and hear everything blasting through the air except the words you share. In every small town business or growing corporation sits a boss lucky enough to have been chosen to lead a pack of what he thinks are hard working, deeply dedicated, totally loyal perfect employees. Nice try idiot! If bosses spent more time being the minimum wage employee they'd see how stupid being a "Perfectionist" is. In her book The Artist Way At Work author Julia Cameron teaches the perfect business eye to watch carefully for the one secret ingredient the competition doesn't have: Uniqueness. Just because Tommy doesn't harness the hardcore drive of a sales reps designed to take the word no and destroy it doesn't mean his computer skills can't help you fine tune your Social Media presence. The moment someone pops up the idea of hosting an office meeting I check out. Why don't they call them what they are? I'm just covering my ass. The majority of today's business gatherings are led by bosses that would and could learn a lot more if they'd get to know who's been hired. But they don't. It makes it easy for them to fire. Divorce is no different. Marriage is a business and when things take on the image of a project that's not working out, because it has to be magazine cover perfect! If the section of the vows where the dude up front sorta kinda almost says, "til death do you part" isn't meeting your specifications the coworker's gotta go! I hate producing radio commercials based on hormone replacement! Your sex life will return... Really? Is marriage supposed to be based on booty? How often have you jumped into a performance just to get it over with? Did you whip out the marriage meter to see if you scored higher in a popularity pole? Author Steven Furtic teaches readers to "People watch" their own path. Become aware of how you order salmon. The way it's perfectly laid out in word form on the menu seems incredibly appetizing until your stomach reminds you of how much it can't stand salmon. The order is made, the chef gives it all his love and attention only to see you push what the Pacific Ocean gifted your life with to the side for someone to take away or to be stuffed in a doggie bag for consumption by someone else later. Accepting the first job that comes along is no different. I guess I can work overnights stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart away from family and friends. I mean, weekends aren't that far and few between! I see this trick nearly every week: I'd love to go back to school and learn a different trade. Radio looks like fun! Morning show people are always laughing and happy! They get to meet famous people and how about all that free food from fancy restaurants! Then I walk in and hand out a heartfelt back to reality message. I'm not shy to hold out my left arm. 37 razor blade scars. And you thought in the 1980's and 90's the only thing we cut was reel to reel tape? The digital production age took me out of the cutter business! How do you order fast food? Do you make fun of the order taker? Do you shout it out? How fast do you speak while trying to share the message that which guarantees it to be right or wrong? Do you instantly investigate the bag after its been handed to you? Now you know why your spouse feels insecure because you do the same thing with your relationship. The way you invite food into your life is how you feed the steps that press just enough weight onto the bright green pastures making a path called your life. The recording studio that earned a great deal of money from my very shallow pockets is without a doubt the laziest non caring incredibly selfish two guys I've ever met. Nearly twenty years of friendship is gone due to my lack of watching how Jimm orders Alan to get him food. If I had met the words of Steven Furtic first...the creative marriage with the recording studio would be just as bright as the cover of a grocery store magazine. The best news... I didn't put one cut in my arms. How are you slicing up your life to locate happiness?

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