Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Calling 911 Versus A Peaceful Life

A. Thanks for checking in. B. This one's gonna be deep. C. You might wanna click out quickly or the darkness of your farthest thought will instantly label my character as being too far out there. The natural response? He's not in touch with the realms of modern reality. Mindfulness is the subject. Not necessarily minding your parents or manners but minding or mining the caverns created by the self you've evolved into. Simply put "Mindfulness" is paying attention on purpose. Being aware. A great example: I write each morning before sunrise because my energy levels exceed any other time of day. With so much inner strength my moods and personalities are of many. Rather than challenge the Faceless Beast, the quest is to confess, I give what I feel a voice! If there's a problem...we lay it on the line while playing out each shape and color. From this honest approach to listening multiple creative projects have gained access to the realisms of everyday life becoming art, radio and television commercials, music, lectures or published books. Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose...being aware. How does the average person train themselves? There's no way for it to suddenly happen. Look Mom! A brand new me! And it only took five pages of a very thin book purchased at the airport where I stood on the corner of runaway or be the same! There are five areas of focus: Today we're gonna slip our ugly toe nails into one pool of one continued growth. Being aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life. Rather than racing off to work or into a weekend of brilliant spending habits gone out of control...cultivating compassion and learning ways to protect "All Living" things is an awesome rude of awakening! When was the last time you reached out and held the stem of what society has stamped a weed? Plants make up the pictures painted across each of our days. Be it long green grass or a outrageously healthy clover...knowing those plants keep your senses from dining on eroded soil is extremely important and valuable to planting a foot forward. In Tae Kwon Do every student from White Belt to Master must learn to use good judgment before killing living things. Don't just say the it! After moving into south Charlotte, I was quickly introduced to the natural curves the human engineer tried to preserve while placing blacktop over vine and pine tree graves. The elegance of Carolina will never be the accent but rather the poets paint brush that uses watercolors to enhance natures passion. A medieval dance occurs when tree tops can't be seen through morning fog so thick that timid rabbits and white tail deer pace slowly as if to be connected to lifeline of security that can't be penetrated by man or his careless children. Spider webs drenched in dew act as the five bars of music with each insect caught off guard mimicing notes to be sung, hummed or put into 4/4 time by a G clef melodically portraying the creator when in reality he or she is just the messenger. The origin of my backyard didn't begin with me. I'm only a visitor to an area that once served as a place of survival for Native Americans dating back to the 1600's. Their physical living quarters were beneath huge bigger than a modern house collections of solid weather resistant rock. A prominent Charlotte business man once wrote: I enjoyed sneaking away from life into this area south of the city to fall deeper in love with the woman that would become my wife. The wild white roses combined with fresh springs that fed into a lake allowed grapevines to become thick while giving reason for Red Tail Hawks to sit in trees having conversation with owls and passerby Cardinals that chirped so fast we'd find ourselves laughing several days after. Cultivating compassion and learning ways to protect "All Living" things will change your life forever. Sadly south Charlotte has disrespectfully destroyed a million trees, replacing their roots with shopping, restaurants and New Age churches. But my section of the forest still remains. Working closely with state officials and the Boy Scouts we've planted 17 hundred Carolina trees while learning the incredible importance of not designing a magazine cover picture perfect lush lawn with water fountains and cobble stone walkways. I'm not saying it's wrong to want HGTV acceptance. To each their own. Using good judgment before killing living things could be a new idea from a coworker. How often do you shoot the messenger? What if the embodiment of survival in The United States dissolved into a 2nd Great Depression? Do you retune the spider web to better fit the songs you once sang or do you have the strength to bend with the wind brought on by our addiction and complaint toward constant change? I sit with a Preacher twice a week deeply discussing how Charlotte doesn't have a soul and yet I've been through it. Southern charm can't exist if what brought us to the dance is no longer bathed in romance. What if Preacher Jonathan is right about his worries? Having "No Soul" comes across as an open wound to outsiders. A city gone too big too fast or just another rock for this generation to live under? "Mindfulness" is paying attention to purpose. Being aware. So much attention has been put on the Presidential election that we're forgetting about local decisions made by leaders that find no peace while watching a beaver build his dam only feet from the place I sleep. Disease is running rampant outside out front door; Meningitis and E Coli. Newscasters are all over it! I've yet to see a Mayor, County Commissioner or future Governor embrace the invisible fears. What becomes of the soul when unexpected sickness and death knocks on the front door? And we sit with nothing better to do than complain, explain and refrain from change. Why didn't President Obama instantly call the Lybian embassy attack an act of terrorism? The very reason why local leaders aren't holding press conferences that deal one on one with what the state and county are doing when dealing with the sickness reported on the 5,6 and 11:00 news. They don't know how to handle situations when people begin to freak out. If they don't talk about it. It doesn't exist. I will always believe in you first...

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