If the year 2008 didn’t exist, the idea of investing in your future would still be the hottest commodity on the market. It was the talk on the block, a strong net or cushion to offer protection in the chapters after Corporate America labeled you too old to play. Brokers, bankers and financial advisors steered your pennies toward what they called, “The perfect move to make!” Especially since you’re lifetime of profits dumped into our nations Social Security plan would probably net you just over sixty three cents and a Krispy Kreme donut.
Today your portfolio is barely worth the forest of trees sacrificed to keep those monthly news letters coming in, “This is where you were this time last year and if the market should wake up and walk a straight line without having a glass of wine in its hand, you’ll be worth this much! Until that time, thanks for letting us lose your lifetime savings.”
With summer’s arrival, gas prices have located a pocket of wind, truckers will bury us with their costs at the grocery store and somewhere nearby we’ll start hearing about troubled airlines.
When there’s nothing to invest…how are we expected to exist? There’s only so much cream in a pitcher of milk…eventually it’ll become nothing more than a glass of water.
Before you sink another buck fifty into a chunk of luck…check your relationship portfolio. Building relational equity is real. Just like a bank account or a 401K plan, your portfolio of friends, family and coworkers you trust can be drawn upon throughout your life.
Dr. Mick Ukleja has traveled to each sliver of land that’s willing to listen, “Your relationships impact the way you live, think and act. Even during the toughest of times, what you hold in relational equity provides a firm cushion of comfort.”
How about them folks who say they can do it on their own? They need no friends! This is my life and I shall be the king of the world! Yeah…it only sounds cool if Leonardo Dicaprio is standing on the hull of a ship. Loners do one thing; spend 90% of their energy fixing short term relationships. There’s a new name on every corner but once an association begins, it’s the same old end.
Laura Nash and Howard Stevenson released an incredible book called Just Enough Tools for Creating Success in Your Work and Life…in it they say, “Success is a collection of activities that are viewed by you and those who care about you not only today but through the rest of your life.”
Sometimes you’ve got to peel yourself off the Twitter and Facebook and crank off that cranky cell phone and flat out ask, “What are the things that we truly care about?” Let’s be blunt and extremely close to the lines that can’t be crossed…at the moment of your passing you aren’t going to be surrounded by trophies and giant posters that shout, “Yard of the Month!” Next to you shall be your relational equity: The portfolio of true love.
Face the facts…what is success to you? This nation is being asked that question every second of every minute and I’m not shocked to see that family, friends and happiness are quickly becoming the top three. Big business painted such a beautiful love story and how foolish we were to judge the book by its cover…but that was 2008.
Like a great banker, Dr. Ukleja reminds us to make a relationship deposit daily and in doing so it will build your relational portfolio…the pay off is simple; a meaning to your life now and beyond.”
You have impact on people’s lives every moment you breathe. How you behave is nothing more than extension to who you are. When practicing this thought process the question of who have I become slides from the canvas because how you treat others from your spouse to your children, neighbors and the dumpy looking Goth clone behind the coffee counter changes people lives...without notice and totally off guard you are painted a portrait of the person you’ve become and not the one you left behind.
This is nothing new…Oprah touched on this while touting the power of the secret. I don’t write and produce radio and television commercials to bring havoc to your ways of and means of escape. In every piece presented is the idea that someone requires what the commercial is offering. Can you imagine a world without banana’s three pounds for one dollar? The amount of potassium shared with athletes and growing kids makes a much stronger mind and body. A new car might lead you to a greener life and style. A massage for 39 dollars eliminates stress you don’t have to take home. From the way you answer the phone at work to greeting new customers has impact.
We already know about Wall Streets impact on people…up today, down tomorrow, businesses letting people go which puts more pressure on those barely lucky enough to stay on board. Every cent is being spent on surviving. Taking the dogs in for their annual teeth cleaning has become a luxury sacrificed and now Wonka doesn’t jump and play like she used to. Pets are people too. Rather than trash can the unwanted seeds your bird refuses eat…there are an enormous amount of wild birds and squirrels willingly ready to devour through recycling. Did you know that deer eat poison ivy? This summer rid the garage of its chemical supply and go even greener, create an area of your yard for a passerby to stop in for a late night snack. It beats hitting a Waffle House. Kid Rock picking a fight with a deer just isn't right.
Relationships never go out of business. How does your portfolio look?
Steal my art…
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