The twenty four hour high. The hurry up and rush to endure the rush. There’s nothing like that exhilarating feeling of accomplishment without dipping into the depths of worries and fears. And to get there, new studies show nearly 45% of the American workforce is lying on their resume.
Could this be, might this be, should there be?
Don’t pin the donkey’s tail on the low man on the totem poll. Earth shattering are the number of corporate heads, college leaders and business owners that have exceeded and or abused the limits of integrity all in the name of heightening their chances of quickly being rehired.
One person caught in the crossfire was a key decision maker at MIT who apologized for something she did years before landing the performance at the school. She forgot to take the degree in question off her resume.
Suddenly we’ve taken twenty two steps back to June 12, 1987 when President Ronald Regan challenged Russian General Secretary Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. A reshaped business landscape seems to be calling for the same action, “Banks, Non-profit organizations, churches and whoever else is controlling the common person, take down the stones that once protected your working ways and let us see how you truly play.”
It kind of reminds me of the day I was first introduced to Fools gold. “Holy cow I love Yellowstone National Park! Forget the hills, there’s gold on them there counters!”
On a computer screen it looks as if we have the best team to move forward. They’re hardworking, dedicated and loyal to new ideas while showcasing incredible determination in the way of locating cost effective avenues of better success. Then it happens, Jimmy didn’t really finish college, the degrees he speaks of are products of a great imagination and a willingness to play with Photo Shop. Jimmy really isn’t the golden child but rather a replica of something he learned while watching CSI or Iron Man.
Research shows the body consumes then requires a great deal of endorphins when your inner being is fed successful growth. There’s a physical addiction to what’s being labeled the twenty four hour high. Nearly everything we do has nothing to do with our tomorrow. From being first in line at a movie premiere, to slamming a joy stick to the right then left on virtual video games to visiting a well touted hotel/water park before the rest of the block…our rush to feel the rush is starting to cost us.
Is dumbing down a resume just as dangerous? It’s no hidden fact; American companies have lowered their standards. They’ve chosen to hire the barely experienced because they believe a man or woman in such shape can be shaped. Is it wrong for someone whose been performing the same task for nearly twenty years to restructure their resume in the way of looking like a beginner?
Integrity is integrity. It doesn’t pay the electric bill or keep the flu from entering your child’s ears, eyes and nose but in the end what are you left holding? What are you willing to sacrifice to feel less burn in your desires versus your must haves?
It truly screams foul play if I walk into a meeting and tell the new program director I’ve never done a day of radio in my life? As much as I’d love to start over and be the Michael Jordon of Morning Radio…there’s always going to be someone who steps forward and says, “Wait a second, my mothers mother used to listen to you on Sunday mornings, you’re the keep smiling and keep loving those pets guy.”
Adam Lambert on American Idol didn’t stack his resume nor did he dumb it down. From the very moment the first pitch was tossed, we’ve learned of his performances on and off Broadway and appearances with several musical acts on incredibly large stages. It’s up to the producers and directors of the show to figure out ways for fans of the show to digest the idea that Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood had no experience. Clay Aiken earned his way to New York City and Jennifer Hudson is that great shining light in the sky that still reminds us, “You can do it.”
Community colleges and spin off farm team schools caught on quickly to the American dream five years ago, we’re willing to go back to collect the right credentials and because most of us barely have five minutes to use the restroom, they’ve creatively forged out a business acceptable plan that guarantees you just enough experience to be interviewed, what you do after that no longer rests within your agreement with the school.
Just because I learned how to type in the eleventh grade didn’t make me a writer.
They say you can’t learn how to ski from a book…maybe it’s a Montanan’s way of thinking but what makes you think a school can teach me incredible business tactics that challenge the competition into early retirement? We see small business owners shattering corporate rules by hiring passion driven performers rather than job seekers and think I'm going to start at the top and not have to work my way up.
There for a while it became the big fantasy for a major company to step in and take over the small business because it guaranteed a life of comfort. Those who’ve been accused of selling out are laughing because they knew in their heart it wouldn’t work. That’s the difference between must have and want to have.
Books from the library are free. That’s how I built my first radio station that could broadcast a mile from the house at fifteen. Integrity is me writing that on a resume. Integrity isn’t, “I attended Yale and became the first broadcast engineer to revamp a microphone to the point of creating volume five thousand two hundred eighty feet away.”
When you aren’t getting answers to the thousands of resumes you’re sending out, the process of rebuilding will challenge instinct to the point of crossing invisible lines. While the number of stay at home husbands are skyrocketing so is the price of ink that it takes to pen out something untrue about the paths you’ve created.
Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control and indomitable spirit. I didn’t create the plan, a group of Korean Monks did over two thousand years ago. Steal their art…
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