Monday, August 17, 2009

Stop ignoring you!

In this corner weighing in at two point three tons…traveling all the way from the center point between your ears just above that honkin nose…ladies and gentleman it’s your mind!

And in that corner, barely a crowd favorite in any of the four corners of the world but always ready to pop lock and drop the competition…your gut!

This battle is scheduled for two hundred thousand rounds with no time limit. There is no referee which means anything goes.

Let’s get ready to ____________ (the writer didn’t get written permission from man who coined the phrase so the word rumble will not appear in this sentence. We tried to hire a backup word but at today’s union costs and lack of cash for my clunker who could afford to go the distance. So when we say Let’s get ready to __________ please for the safety of our well being do not saying the word rumble.)

Is it your mind or gut that creates intuition? Are both thought starters required in the process of generating that little bit of something something we feel but can never materialize until we’ve been delivered reality?

The reason why most people push intuitions away is because it’s not logical.

Your everyday is overcrowded with critical thinkers who require a backup for their conclusion. Being from the logical family an intuition is nothing more than a tingle and true faith can’t make its way to confidence if your belief system isn't put into play.

How many meetings or gatherings have you attended where someone you’ve just met or even your boss has nonchalantly shared an out of place grin or a decision was made and well beyond your control your body is telling you (intuition) that the price of rice in China no longer comes with value. Meaning the situation has changed and it aint right.

Dr. Carolyn Kaufman calls those invisible moves people make Micro-expression.

They are controlled by an intuitive sense. A super fast expression that showcases how another person feels without them realizing the world has fallen witness to something they’re unwilling to share.

Your brain is the first to pick up on sudden changes. It sends the signal straight to your senses where you’re able to digest it by means of intuition and or a gut feeling. The subconscious is processing the information that the conscious is not aware of.

Sounds pretty stupid and way over your head until you realize that intuition is nothing more than the tiny print on a contract, a magazine advertisement and or a voice on the radio at the end of a car commercial saying, “See dealer for details.”

Dr. Kaufman says intuition is felt as an emotion. Those who experience emotion physically and verbally have the most difficult time dealing with intuition because its tough to keep such feelings beneath the surface of your skin.

I’m one of them. For nearly five decades I’ve been accused of being a hypochondriac. I physically can’t leave intuition alone. If I feel something it’s spoken. If I’m introduced to another persons micro-expressions without a doubt I instantly find myself in lock down mode as an actor to sink or swim through the situation.

Author Lynn Robinson revealed in her book Trust Your Gut how to better handle situations you feel without physically laying your hands on them. First you have to understand you’re not alone. Ancient Chinese believed in the wisdom of intuition believing it generates from what Korean’s call the Dan Jan…the core of your stomach. Even Buddha taught you can see, feel and taste your present two years before it’s unveiled.

People like me who are daily if not hourly sickened by constant intuition are forced to deal. The best method of survival is to give that feeling a voice. The author of the Artist Way Julia Cameron calls it an inner child. I wasn’t so nice—he’s earned the name the Beast to which I speak of bluntly in both my books.

By giving your beast or inner child a voice you’re opening a line of communication the average person will never understand but you have to work your way through it. Allow yourself to be interviewed by intuition. Put faith in understanding its energy and revealed will be a sharper more keen reason to see you’re extremely far from being ten steps shy of a Looney place of living.

Your body talks to you all the time. It’s critical thinking that keeps you from listening.

If hunting down the perfect job is keeping you unemployed or at a job where nightmares never cease—grant yourself permission to go with intuition, you always have the right to locate a happier place to create.

Easier said than done right? In her book The Vein of Gold, Julia Cameron teaches us to make a list of ten things we absolutely without a doubt love to do. Upon doing this you’re opening the door for newer ideas that will lead you toward a field of success. It’s sort of like The Secret which was heavily promoted by Oprah—nothing happens unless you’re willing to bring to you.

Get to know the intuition by answering this question: What do you feel when the sense arrives? What worries you about it? Play a child’s game with it by writing down: I first met him or her at _______ place. Upon shaking hands and smiling we _______. It’s ok to call your intuition psycho and or a weird character in a play. For goodness sakes I call mine the Beast and to this day that freak on a leash walks beside me.

Don’t stop there…ask follow up questions: What did you feel when I delivered that answer? You’ll discover a side of you that has remained untouched making way for a newer world to be given air to breathe.

In Tae Kwon Do we are taught to meditate for extremely long periods of time. We meditate sitting down, standing up holding a medicine ball and or meditate with moving through motions of the martial arts. We’re listening to intuition while giving it strength to make our life and style better.

I can’t say it enough….teach yourself to write everyday and suddenly all that’s invisible will come with color. I’m not asking you to write a book, just three pages and on the days you don’t want to write…do it anyway using extremely larger than life letters…to which you’ll one day return to laugh at on a day you might be sad.

Steal my art…

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