Thursday, October 15, 2009

Learning to trust silence...

It doesn’t matter if you’re Keith Hawthorne or Scott Clark, Jake from the Panthers or your love filled mama yelling out the kitchen window that dinner is being served—before anything unwraps its wings to take the shape of reality it travels through a gap of silence first.

Even while you speak, before each word shoots out the talk maker, your system allows there to be the slightest presentation of something extremely unique…silence.

Taking note of those gaps could be the answers you seek.

Author and spiritualist Eckhart Tolle shines his walk of life onto the shades of silence humans unknowingly create. Before your mind can see, hear or feel, perception feeds the veins of what brings life to silence. Before your brain interprets the action which leads to a reaction, your system feels tremendous energy from invisible places you keep.

Wait! Before you call me insane or a totally whacked out nut case there’s a reason why some people have no clue as to what I’m up to. In a radio station production room I study the path your voice makes, I can visually see how you breathe as well as think. The reason why some don’t take note of the tiny silences that float between all things before they become real is because each break lasts barely a thin hair of a already split second. Now team that up with an extremely short attention span.

According to Tolle, when a new sight or sound arrives, during the first moments of perception there’s a brief cessation in the habitual stream of thinking. Because we’ve been trained to put no trust in perception so consciousness diverts our energy source to the conclusion of what’s being delivered.

How often have you been caught off guard and you’re literally speechless? Welcome to an extremely long version of the silences you create second by second during the presentation of anything now part of everything real.

It’s the only time in your life that ego plays no important role. Such mental behavior only takes place before a person, place or thing is identified. Allow yourself the opportunity to study the silences you create. Being aware of them makes them longer and easily identifiable. With practice you’re able to use each bout of silence as an energy source for new ideas or secret places to call your own…mentally running away from reality to feel something only your body creates.

The more you perceive life through a mental screen of abstractions and conceptualizations, the flatter your world becomes. Think of these newly recognized silences as being your personal Christopher Columbus setting sail across an open sea.

I’ve learned to control mine by utilizing the way I breathe, slowing down my pattern by way of entering a state of meditation opens the field of presentation. While in the hospital in July I located tremendous amounts of joy in challenging the medical machine measuring how I breathe. By turning off my body, a relaxed state of mind gifted the day with every reason to believe in what it is we bring. It totally freaked out the nurses...they'd always catch me in bed just smiling.

Tapping into its existence has turned my rock headed way of living hard into ocean waves filling every corner assumed dark and lost forever into islands of rebirth and discovery.

These are the words of my Master Todd Harris from Martial Arts University:

"The core or the soul of what’s being held inside is water. This is great news! You are finally becoming like water. Water takes the shape of its container; it is one of the most powerful things on earth. Water created the Grand Canyon! We are learning in baby steps how to train you more specifically and accurately. If you are down then take the shape of the ground. When you flow up to the rock, split and go around it to meet on the other side.”

If you could see a recording session…a 60 second commercial for USC Lancaster…no music or sound effects just words. You'd quickly take note of the number of times in a single sixty second commercial the body naturally creates silence.

How often do you run from silence? Isn't that why we go shopping or take in clubbing or movie watching? The more sound we surround ourselves with the more we assume we aren't alone.

Time to create a new love for the lack thereof...

Steal my art...

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