Monday, October 5, 2009

Stress is nothing more than a rope around your neck...

I met with a small assembly of people this past Friday night who were visually nervous about the current shapes of a modern future—one look at the never ending changes in the world financial market, the crime rate public officials vote to release to the media and the combined efforts of Iran and North Korea having nuclear weapons of choice generates a feeling of abnormal unrest.

What becomes of a people when the idea of setting your imagination free within a world of fantasy no longer seems to be the ultimate escape? Keeping up with the Jones’ used to be fun! The closest thing to it these days is a credit card with a 30% interest rate. Which I believe is higher than scoring some cash from the Mafia—as long as it’s paid back by the first of the week.

So I ask, “Where are those rose colored glasses my mother constantly spoke of?”

When confronted with nervous laughter, eyes that dart across the room like fireflies in August and fingers nibbled back to near bleeding—when there is fear, humans cut off their oxygen supply relying solely on the upper levels of those lungs to feed the entire presentation of the frame and all things connected.

Breathing properly gifts your system with space.

By learning how to properly breathe all that shatters your day becomes something you can easily set aside and or deal with one step at a time—beginning first with cleaning up the floor of your inner closet and allowing yourself to breathe. Create space so the entire self can take in the necessary decisions to make your day right.

Author and spiritualist Eckhart Tolle believes the awareness of how we breathe generates aliveness—an electric shock of feeling like we are alive rather than numb. Breathing properly diffuses the body.

But before I can suddenly leap into the 2,000 year old sketches of pushing out the tummy then releasing it…the key thought here is awareness. Learning to identify what brings giant dark clouds to your parade helps you to better handle its appearance on the horizon rather than two inches from your wet allergy infested nose.

Tell me someone who isn’t distracted by their hidden personal thoughts—those voices in the head speak way too loud. They scream because they can’t feel aliveness. In essence, by breathing wrong, you’re depriving the thinker of proper oxygen to keep those thought busters in their proper place.

Its no hidden fact, the art of bringing peace to the inner being is usually connected to addictions, drugs, caffeine, smoking, giant roller coasters that send chills up and down your spine so fast the endorphins created would instantly be named illegal on most streets in America. Over stimulation, loud music and obsession make up the design of voices gone wild.

Eckhart Tolle believes the biggest cover up the human race has concocted is relationship, “I will make you happy for the rest of your life.” He calls it the worlds largest let me down. Now you know why the national divorce rate is 52%. The other side of the loving relationship didn’t come with a guarantee.

Conscious breathing is key to a winning today, tomorrow and next week. Two or three conscious breaths invite aliveness to your perch—recognizing the fresh alive feeling from the inside out rather than just the outside brings sunshine to your arms, feet and dreams allowing you to take on a more positive shape.

Let your entire body become whole by filling your stomach with air—all that delicious invisible stuff races into your blood stream like teenagers who’ve learned their parents are headed out of town for the weekend. In Tae Kwon Do I’ll measure the air by resting my fingers lightly on my black belt. Knowing air is moving through the entire system grants the rest of me to kick, block and punch at a much higher level of performance.

Here in the radio station production studio where things have to be 200% more peaceful…measurements are made through the day with a self driven goal of doing 100 or more pushups. Nothing rocks your body more than using good ole fashioned body versus mass approaches your PE teacher assumed you’d perform the rest of your life.

Can’t find the privacy to pull off a set of 10 to 15 pushups? Locate a workplace closet, kitchen area or wash your hands really good and hit the bathroom floor. I got caught busting out 25 last week, horribly embarrassed by a personal effort to stay in tune and up beat I quickly recovered by offering them the opportunity to do it with me. Make it fun and others will soon join in. I can’t wait until our private gym is 100% complete here at Clear Channel. The walls are up waiting for our staff to step inside and pour some sugar on feeling great.

Maybe that bad day at work really isn’t because your boss is a bonehead. Regain control of your future by feeling alive in the center of your world. This journey doesn’t star Nicolas Cage and won’t be shown to the rest of us in 3-D. It’s time to breathe! Properly!

Getting back to living….steal my art.

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