Monday, February 1, 2010

Broadcating 101...

Did something completely weird last evening…the 400 pound totally insane nut I carry on my back that calls itself a Broadcaster challenged his vision of communication by grasping the current state of electronics and played a different fiddle in the band by accepting the creed of walking the walk…an act of conversation.

I performed a show on Face Book: The 2010 Grammy Awards. Views, news, concert information to sending FB friends to web sites where they can win a Boom Boom Pow Black Eyed Peas car and information about The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac performing together. Plus we had to heather about Taylor Swift singing out of tune. And when I was felt incredible to be told about it.

What started out as a joke began to get reaction—then letters came flying in from those who weren’t near their television and suddenly the world became connected…music had its awards and I was Walter Cronkite more than Mary Hart because my legs aren’t worth a million bucks.

Your views fed other views turning East Coast FB fan packs into West Coast entertainment. For 3 ½ hours there was nothing but real talk, about real events taking place on an awards show whose main energy was to do nothing more than honor musicians…..knowing in the end it’s the consumer who is more true when it comes to making decisions, “Why yes I will pay 99 cents for this Itunes download.”

The wave has hit the shores of where people are living and it’s not necessarily in glass houses—this is one planet Captain James T Kirk can easily be beamed down to while spending countless hours shaking the hands of a passerby thousands of miles from the front step of his safe zone.

People do have a lot to say and they’re having no problem being themselves on a stage where communication is the top selling game. I walk a new line this February 1st day…I was allowed to step up to the keyboard microphone and say, “Hey…do you mind if I keep you up to date with Planet America Music Entertainment…and in doing so…we’ll just be a group of friends sitting at a worn out old table poking fun at everything in common with the vibrations that make our hearts go tick, tick, tick.”

We weren’t interrupted by songs we’ve heard 10,000 times. We had a blast talking about the commercials most tune out of and more importantly nobody was injured jumping off the cliffs we create in worlds of us, me and always them.

I’m not new to Face Book…I just never thought about doing a radio show with my fingers doing the performing. A new age of Broadcasting while using an ancient art called conversation.

In the end…isn’t that what life is really all about?

1 comment:

  1. By George he listens...and I think he gets it now. I'm so proud (there's a tear)
