Seth Godin writes: Individuals who push their organizations, who inspire other individuals to change the rules, thrive.
Status Quo is the group of people who waste time worrying about what it’s going to take to ship a package…leadership gets it there.
Thanks to a reckless and unstable economy change has become the hot new fad in American businesses and personal lifestyle success. Taking an immediate quick turn followed by an unpredictable shift then twist has generated more change in the past two years than the one hundred required to shape the industrial age that got us here.
Real people with “experience” rather than certificates of education are stepping into a game plan badly bloodied by an enormous amount of status quo in it because of the title and not necessarily the long term end result. It’s almost like stocks and mutual funds…there are two players, I want it now and shut up and let it grow.
Which one are you?
True leaders have mud on their hands. They’ve learned to nourish the field while better understanding the equipment to turn the soil. While growing up in Montana I quickly learned that a tractor doesn’t guarantee a bumper crop. As much as I hated my father for making us weed the fields in the dead heat of summer, participation from every department led to fresh fruits and veggies ready for canning by October and November.
Look at the way television is changing. Every network known to man realizes you’re zipping past the commercials. If they aren’t making money, actors, camera men, sound professionals and lunch buddies don’t show up on taping day. Reality television was ushered into play because it was extremely cheap to create. Consumers want more without having to buy HBO. The three networks began to take major risks by allowing sitcoms to use risqué language and subjects. Three years ago Charlie Sheen would’ve been late night Cinemax.
Why are gas prices continuing to rise? Until we begin to suffer there’s no use for the billions currently being spent on grasping onto a cleaner energy source. Electric cars are no different than Star Wars; it all takes place in a galaxy far far away. Government leaders forced you into HD television, who’ll be in charge of the demise of free elementary to high school education?
Individuals who push their organizations, who inspire other individuals to change the rules, thrive.
We are the people who want it now or expect to hear the sound of feet stomping, a fist crashing into a wall or a cell phone being tossed threw a window. We’re no different than the out of control children that drove our parent’s nuts.
But we’re trying right? Those who are have a brilliant shade of vigor enable company owners, CEO’s and department heads to put faith in multi tasking and everything else you can attach to the bottom of your shoes. Today’s workers are working harder and harder to the point of tearing apart your knees and ripping the backbone to shreds. The worker bees are required to manually hoist the pollen into the comb then stick around to cook it into honey, put it on a serving plate for the Queen and her guests then wash the dishes before another day begins in five minutes.
Stress is quickly becoming an extremely dangerous cause of weight gain in America. Not because we’re eating and drinking too much. Workday stress combined with home life pressure is shutting down our bodies. Daily diets of work, work, work has put the body in a numb state where it no longer feels it needs to send energy toward the proper system that takes care of cleaning up and out. Keeping the body healthy and in shape is no longer important to a mind, body and soul that works without taking breaks.
When there’s stress you heart works too hard. Stress creates sickness such as flu and colds which may lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. What do we do? We latch onto credit cards and spend money to feel better causing financial stress on marriages. The vows read for better for worse not bankruptcy and poverty. How bad can it be if we’ve made it too easy to dump love?
Individuals who push their organizations, who inspire other individuals to change the rules, thrive.
Americans love to get high on life. Leaders are shaped by the hands of those who give us five to ten minutes of oh my God. The only reason why more actors don’t become politicians is because our votes would be controlled by the number of bad movies we’ve spent money on. Right now Robert Downey Jr. would make a great President, Will Ferrell needs a serious drama with Meryl Streep.
Individuals who push their organizations, (it doesn’t say anything about being a department head or owner it says individuals…meaning you) Individuals who inspire other individuals to change the rules, thrive.
4th quarter cut backs on the American front won’t stop happening until you see more people put in twelve hour work days. Eight for them and four for you. Survival means sacrifice.
There won’t and can’t be change until Individuals who push their organizations, who inspire other individuals to change the rules see reasons other than thriving to be their high on life.
Which one are you?
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