An excerpt from the pages of The Powers Within: You cannot think powerfully of something without your thought taking form.
Basically meaning what you think has the power to become your new reality. Thoughts reach outwardly becoming an independent entity. A thought is a ticking time bomb that impatiently waits for nothing.
Talk about forcing you to live by Grandma’s golden rule, “Be careful what you think…”
Being on guard should be your hourly best behavior. Once you’ve created a thought, it’s been sent out to do what it was intended and many times it returns in the shape of not being a happy moment. This is the reason why you’ll hear people say, “Don’t put it in the universe!” I’m extremely guilty of taking my arms and waving them wildly in the air after someone shares a few words believing itty bitty thought particles can’t complete the journey.
Heated discussions, wishful thinking, fear of the unknown…its too easy to put into play a single thought then not handle the current circumstances when it shoots back faster than a boomerang.
The Power of Formation does have advantages; good thoughts work the same way. Plenty of good can be invited into a cold room filled with people just be thinking positive. Intelligence and kindness goes a long ways.
Personally, I can’t imagine where I’d be today if the incredibly caring Face Book community wouldn’t have reached out to me in the seconds that followed the loss of my fuzzy child at 12:05 AM on October 31, 2010. Don’t you guys sleep? At that very moment during an out of control twist of fate I was so glad you didn’t reach up and turn off the computer. Your thoughts, pet stories and compassion were 100% Power of Formation then and today.
I love this quote from the book Powers Within: Anybody can nurse a person but not everybody can make a good formation that creates an act of healing.
What if we went back to counting to ten before burping up the evil that lurks in the darkest corners of our untamed worlds?
The Dhammapada writes: Whatever an enemy may do to an enemy, whatever a hater may do to a hater, the harm caused by a misdirected mind is even greater still.
The best thinkers in the world don’t always have the best intentions. Gaining access to “wise” control invites peace to workdays, family quarrels, impossible dreams that feel like they never come true and moments of loss when words can’t explain what reality just delivered.
I often wonder if the common cold would disappear if the masses would stop thinking about catching it.
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