Tuesday, February 15, 2011

To fail or not to fail...winning is a choice that requires concentration.


To a first grader, that’s a pretty long word. We’re talking thirteen letters! It’s not just any remark or declaration, this baby’s been part of your channel since the moment you processed the gibberish falling from those two pinkish red things firmly planted beneath your parent’s nose.

Dictionary.com describes concentration as paying close attention to one object; close mental application.

I get nothing from that.

Some might call it Corporate America talk, “You need to use more concentration!”

“I am! It’s not my fault these angry birds won’t knock down the structures quicker!”

The book Powers Within puts a different spin on concentration calling it the Master-Key; if you’re willing to gather the rays of attention and consciousness on one point and maintain this concentration with persistent will, nothing can resist it.
Oh my God that flew over my head!
To concentrate properly and effectively requires discipline. Your daily goal shouldn’t be to train yourself to focus on one thing but rather concentrating on the development of value. Nothing has the energy to break the strength of well trained concentration.

Some call it being in the zone or sporting a game face; personally I see concentration as being reconnected to the womb; the birth place of all things leaping from this system I’ve been forced to carry for forty eight years has to start somewhere and be it spiritual or nothing more than an artists point of view…the journey begins in the womb.

You cannot reach a level of business or private success without obtaining the intense and obstinate power of concentration. You can throw the best football, roll twelve strikes in a row, generate more new business for your company or teach chorus to a hundred and fifty caffeinated high school students but you can’t reach a level of being recognized for your performance and distance without learning how to cultivate the power of concentration.

Not all methods of concentration are the same…artists and scientists tend to push their thought process outward knowing the end result of their creation has the ability to become part of someone’s life.

People with strong imaginations tend to push their concentration levels upward allowing the universe or Great Creator to be part of the development of thoughts and or actions becoming reality.

Who I am as a radio disc jockey versus an in studio producer of commercials are separate rivers of performance. Jokingly I have no problem telling you Arroe can’t stand Arroe. Now toss in the published author and blogger, combined with the sloppy painter of people’s faces on portraits, the musician and martial artist; this might explain why 99.9% of what I attempt to write is never understood because too much concentration from too many personalities are trying to participate with a single expression.

I’m not the only one! Being employed today requires unheard of amounts of multi-tasking, slamming the common worker into shades of gray, blue, bright purple and whatever other color the company or sixteen part time jobs require. Teenagers are having heart attacks. Women having strokes has risen 51% in ten years. Verbal and physical battles between coworkers has Human Resource Departments scrambling for newer ways to save their best employees from being mowed over by a bad day gone worse.

If artists and scientists reach outward and individuals with strong imaginations lean back and shoot their concentration upward…what gives in the person that turns their energy downward?

While meditating I noticed early in martial arts studies how looking down seemed shove my concentration inward, to heal, to foresee, to visualize, to gather strength that had been lost, to tune out, to comfort self, to blend light with inner darkness allowing there to be warmth in cold corners of a world nobody sees but the feelings are hard hitting and extremely hurtful.

According to the Powers Within, it should be your daily practice to work the hinges of your concentration—some days you’re pushing outward, then up to the ceiling, down and around…learning to move your concentration makes you stronger as a person.

Writing this blog everyday requires focus; concentrating on the purpose of these pages pushes thought through the tips of my fingers and by way of modern day magic it somehow lands on computer faces in Germany, Russia, South Korea, Canada and Butte, Montana. Writing everyday has nothing to do with radio and everything to do with developing what I’ve always dreamed; being a Broadcaster.

What’s this have to do with you? Understanding the difference between focus and concentration sews a net to fall into on days when the world of business crashes. By way of exercising concentration you’re enabling the single stick in the mud that looks and walks like you to have enough confidence to sprout limbs making you the biggest most colorful tree in the forest.

What’s keeping you from obtaining financial success, recognition for your dedication given to a career, family peace and a child that listens rather than fights back? Might the missing key be the Master of all links? Concentration… Practice makes winners…

I’ll always believe in you first…


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