The Hopi nation believes if you lose your temper you lose a friend; lie and lose yourself.
Spinning back the hands of time to the early spring of 79 Mrs. Eschler’s Creative Writing Class; take that quote and apply it to the current conditions of a modernized world.
No matter where I travel, movie premieres, wedding ceremonies, camping, grand openings or hanging out with Trucker Brad at his newly designed love shack for giant semi’s and monster trailers; very rarely does anyone escape a conversation without being asked or preached to about the expectations placed upon this completely saturated nearly never dried multitasked generation.
Like a caring lawmaker, minister with a soft smile or a forever best friend, my weakness is to always make room for listening; or as Dr. David calls it, “Jumping into the hole with no ropes while everyone leaves me behind.”
If you lose your temper you lose a friend… This game almost seems too easy; this blog is going to be a heart heavy Arroe typical that deals with saving relationships with your neighbor. Think again!
Lose your temper lose a friend; lie and lose yourself.
That single moment in the mirror when the reflection asks, “Is there anything I can do to help you out?”
To motivate is to wanna be influenced. To move beyond is to have been touched. To relate is to experience. Now teach it.
Nothing curves the squared corners of my world faster than hearing someone lay claim to being an employee; when in fact we all know there’s no such thing as just an employee. You’re a builder, a highway maker, a creator of visions not yet reached, a destination before it becomes a reality, a genuine task taker with your heart set on delivering an end result based on the best success your mind body and soul can offer. The only failure you know are the words your department head tosses out like Halloween candy.
Leadership roles begin with self. To properly educate the flow of a stream; someone has to give you permission to believe. Whoever cleared the way for corporate decision makers to adopt the daily plan to sink or swim chose to take a sentence and not apply it to a current modernized world. They grab lack of experience and feed it no hope. it doesn't matter...there's more fish in the pond, eventually something will work.
Lose your temper lose a friend; lie and lose yourself.
In the business of you…your hardest worker (you) doesn’t need to hear a loud unhappy voice nor is it your right to call the one you walk with fat, uneducated, a slob, a waste of time, the worst nightmare ever or completely out of touch with the origin of your dreams and or forecasts laid out while attempting to sleep after a boring episode of American Idol.
Instantly you know when one of the performers on the TV show is out of tune, the reaction is a quick cringe, if the show is DVR’ed instantly we leap onto fast forward or we find no loyalty in watching and switch our desire to be entertained to a new channel.
And that’s exactly how you handle your personal life. When there’s a lack of harmony in the chapters we write there’s no leadership or belief to reignite the presence of why this solid stone covered in moss is still worth with weight in value. So we elect to make change after change after change turning each of us into perfectionists.
A perfectionist is never happy. They learn to settle… Another Julia Cameron-ism, “Anger is never the solution…it is only a symptom.”
The Hopi quote was delivered in the 1800’s…no fast cars drunk on high gas prices, turbo charged computers, cell phones, instant answers on Google or songs to sing on Glee; only words that’ll last much longer than you and me.
When you stop judging a book by its cover and learn to study the pages that have moved through a writers fingertips onto the surface of your eyes; the color reflected back is your personality…what is it about you that you don’t accept and can you handle having a conversation with that self without yelling or spewing the slightest of white lie?
Lose your temper lose a friend; lie and lose yourself.
I will always believe in you first…
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