In the Black Belt Book of Life; Secrets of a Martial Artist, the author writes, “Anyone can teeter totter but not everyone can balance.”
Pope John Paul II believed the best and safest thing to keep is balance in your life, if you can do that and live that way…you are a really wise person.
No page is turned in our everyday chapters that don’t somehow connect itself to a requirement of being balanced. When there’s balance we have harmony, productivity and for some it proves to be extremely meaningful. Balance has a way of confusing angst, unhappiness and destruction.
In an age of corporate manipulation caused by leadership through intimidation; the cost of being in balance isn’t worth the effort unless the average person has prepared their future to be without a career.
How can the typical employee who is carelessly overworked and underpaid find peace within the four walls of business? You’ll discover the answer while standing on one leg for a long period of time.
Balance requires exercise. Your mind needs to be taught what balance is. Like a student stuck in school so are your arms, back, shoulders, head and ten toes and each of your body parts must learn to recognize the positive energy required to be in balance.
Do you have balance? Test yourself by standing on one leg then closing your eyes. A clouded core leaves no room for new challenges to be met.
I test my balance ten to twenty times a day; in public you’ll catch me on one leg while wrapping the other foot around my calf. It’s a high level red belt move taught in a form called Goom-gong where your balance is taken on like a mountain attacked by unexpected storms. Physically going through the motions of recognizing balances teaches the rest of me to perform at their height without leaning too far to the left or right.
I love doing pushups! Not because it builds stronger arms and incredible chest muscles but if performed properly there should be incredible balance between your toes holding up the booty to the arms hoisting the ego maker into its rightful position. Locating balance has to be a physical effort.
I can’t balance a check book. Online banking to me was much bigger than the introduction of the Ipod and Wii video game that moves with your body. Balancing anything is a difficult state to maintain. It’s mental, emotional and in some cases spiritual. Balance is a continual struggle not a passive activity therefore energy is required in order to be equal on all sides.
Concentration is the key that unlocks a world fed by balance. There are three levels of concentration; from your stomach or dan jun, above your head and in the center of your eye brows.
For concentration and focus to do their job all three levels of focus must work in harmony. Your stomach is where stress lives and breathes…when there’s too much we tend to fill up with bad food, alcohol and other means of getting legally high. Properly breathing from your stomach allows you to open the entire process of your lungs. Watch people around you breathing…their shoulders move. That flat out sucks because that means their entire body is living off ten percent of what they’ve taught their lungs to perform.
Balance above you is clearing the way for the future to arrive. Some use meditation while others sit back in their chair at work and give permission to their imagination to take a ride into the happy zone.
Your eye brows are where your history lives. As long as you are carrying it there’s never any reason to keep reaching forward. Be thankful for what you have done then let it go to grow.
Having focus aligns your body parts, Your knees, ankles, wrists, neck and little toe are no different than being the parent of six kids all wanting to go some place different. You either have chaos or balance—there’s never an in between.
Writing everyday doesn’t give me balance it makes me aware of where I’m not in tune.
For 47 years people constantly asked me about what I wanted to do with my life and every time I replied, “To be in the right place at the right time.” I became incredibly fixed on that thought never realizing that on July 21, 2009 at 6:15 pm I’d be walking into an emergency room for a soar throat only to come out with a heart attack. I arrived at the hospital at the opening stages of what claims millions of lives every year. I was in the right place at the right time.
Balance… Do I lead a well balanced life? Far from it. Yin/Yang because being out of control feeds my passion to write wedding vows, music, paint portraits, piece together books and blogs. I used to be the tight rope walker turned runner that hit that single thin line never realizing how quickly it can come to a halt until you get three quarters of the way across then you find balance.
What makes me different today is awareness. I know what takes me off a day of balance and I warn people strongly when such actions are about to unfold.
Inside a business world of little to no guarantees every breath you take resembles the Mile High Swinging Bridge on Grandfather Mountain where at any unsuspected moment a gust of wind can reach up and steal you from existence. Balance prepares you to study the environment while gifting you with the knowledge to lock down if the bricks that make up your foundation begin to crumble.
Mystics call our world the plane of struggle…
Let that thought sink in for a bit… a little longer… a little longer.
The one common connection we have is a need for balance which leads to focus and it’s within those invisible abilities something incredible is given hope…you.
I will always believe in you first…
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