I haven’t hidden my agenda; in fact I’ve been extremely vocal…make it a point everyday to locate whatever means possible to rid the body and its system of medications that can be connected to television commercials featuring fast talking announcers that say, “Taking this pill could lead to blah, blah and blah and may cause bingo dingo and ringo.”
One heart doctor rolled his chair back, took a couple of notes, removed his plastic framed rich people glasses and replied, “So in essence you’re committing suicide.”
Have you ever had a campfire that would never burn itself out? It didn’t matter how many buckets of water you dumped on the hot limbs a flicker of energy would reignite a continuation.
Going all out natural seems too easy; if Wal-Mart, CVS and Target sell it…it’s got to be safe right? That’s not true! Mixing natural herbs with manmade escape routes cannot materialize until you’ve received permission or a pat on the back from a doctor.
In December of last year a well known cholesterol breaker went all out diva destroying muscles and tissues beyond normal repair. After looking at everything I toss onto my path morning noon and night one medical professional scared the hell out of me when he calmly said, “Thank god we found out what you’re tossing into your body because my worst fear was you had cancer.”
Today I spend more time in doctor’s offices than I do dreaming, measuring how much degeneration is still taking place. Push ups, sit ups, running, jogging and eating right have helped to ease the numbers but the pain of carrying this frame can be compared to my sister Jamie who has MS.
During my studies a Native American Medicine Man once said, “Doctors practice medicine they don’t heal the human. Rest heals man, man does not heal man. My elders once mixed natural ingredients to do nothing more than allow the body to rest.”
A leading natural meal replacement company known for changing the mind, body and soul caught my attention last week when their online video stated, “Medicines help relieve suffering from sickness…its our mission statement to help prevent sickness.”
Look around you…who in your office or home is currently a lifeless goat because normal allergies have evolved into sinus infections, bronchitis and in some cases other dangerous reactions that have led to hospital time? What’s the first thing we grab? Not a cure but rather relief. The idea of preventing allergies from reaching a deeper level of sickness costs money and right now we need all shapes of money to be readily available for the gas tank.
Printed on the pages of the book Powers Within are the words faith and cure. It’s not the medicine that cures so much as the patient’s faith in the doctor and medicine. Both are clumsy substitutes for the natural faith in one’s own self power.
Oh oh…this is where I get in serious amounts of trouble. Someone tells me they’re under the weather and instantly I shout, “Get to work! Don’t sit down! Don’t get lazy! Push your fist through the wall!”
Your body does what your heart sets out to accomplish. It’s like when you’re lucky enough to get too much sleep…how does the system react? It wants more! The day is never better, you feel like dragging you’re a** all day. That’s what the book is talking about when it speaks of having natural faith and control over one’s self power.
While kayaking…do you really think my arms are screaming, “Let’s conquer these rapids like an Olympic champion?”
No! My focus is on the end result…accomplishment.
Sickness is ramped up because this generation refuses to let go. Too many times we’re convinced that victory at work, home or at the park has to be of masterpiece value. We set unheard of goals on our self and others, buy big cars and oversized trucks, expensive video games and cell phones, take vacations at places that feature a mouse paying whatever they want just to use the bathroom. And yet…we steal music from the web. You don’t have to download it…you get it free from You Tube and Pandora. We spend so much time wanting the best only to cheat the system by stealing from other creators.
Ouch! I feel like I just stepped on a nail.
Am I the only person that suffers a major guilt trip break down while catching shows without advertising on ABC and NBC.com? I didn’t vote once on American Idol but I was upset when James was kicked off! I wanted Donald Trump to gain the power to walk through Congress and say, “You’re fired…” But would I have really voted for him on the true day of decision making?
Powers Within writes, “Self power is subliminal and subconscient.”
Having a bad day at work? Kids totally taking out your willingness to be happy? Too many bills piling up? Can’t convince anyone in the house not even yourself to stop hording things you don’t need? Does the boss treat you like a monkey in the basement of a wooden ship and it’s your mission to row? I said row! Row!
It’s not just the pollen that’s making you sick, weak and unwilling to grow forward. Wal-Mart doesn’t sell bottles of self confidence. How many people do you know that would be willing to drop what they’re doing and load up a covered wagon to cross a giant open field to new a place called home?
One of greatest stories I’ve ever read is that of the Crow Nation spending one hundred years on a walk that nearly wiped up their entire existence but through self power the nation of leaders and incredible horse handlers reached their destination of peace in the greasy lands of Montana.
When you stop chasing dreams you’ve given your mind body and soul permission to say, “My job is done…its time to let go.”
I will always believe in you first…
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