Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happiness isn't a job!

Hours after being hit by a middle of the night thunder cracker that rocked fifty thousand free of electricity, those lucky enough to wake up on time found themselves slowly traipsing toward a freshly vacuumed world nicely redesigned by nature taking a theatrical walk.

Without a wasteful thought burped up in the center of a lazily displayed sentence not a sole will make their way to work today without thinking about how that explosive display of something we can’t control is going to leave marks on your daily expectations.

Hark! I hear thy 9 to 5 angels blaring their voices in unison!

“I’m tired…”

“I stayed up all night with the dogs and kids...can you do this for me?”

“I’m not going to be able to come to work. It feels like the flu.”

“I’m running late because we had no electricity.”

Whip out your writing instruments and pen out a letter to the nature editor because excuses don’t fly with me. What? You’re a jerk! Yep…and its all based on a single thought: Dare to be happy.

We drink coffee to feel happy. We slam tiny jugs of go juice called 5 Hours which ran into a ton of competition from 6 and 7 Hours. I was just introduced to a really cool hit the other day quietly named Insane. Locating your footsteps at the mall during lunch and before dinner is an incredible way to get happy.

Stop looking at the reflection in the computer screen and face the future knowing most friends, coworkers and family figures absolutely without a doubt refuse to allow themselves to be happy, enthusiastic, light hearted, inspired and or relaxed.

The number one reason is based on fear…the fear of what happy looks like to other people.

Whoa! Hold on now! Coworkers who look relaxed are instantly branded lazy. Employees that constantly grow a positive flow aren’t invited to Taco Parties because as I’ve heard a hundred times, “I’m not in the mood for you today…your upbeat energy is too much for me to handle this early.”

Dare to be happy.

I didn’t say dare to be a Disney character or pretend you’re Bradley Cooper in Hangover II. The act doesn’t have to be a stage show at all…be you but in a happy suit. Wait…I almost puked myself.

According to Dr. Richard Carlson, “Happy people don’t lack motivation. A little bit of happiness in your day sharpens your listening skills while adding a positive curve to learning how to do your job faster and better.”

Unhappy people are rigid, stressed out, locate misery in every corner and end up complaining all eight working hours about not getting the chance to grow in the company. Unhappy people feel victimized making sure people know they can’t be solution oriented when constantly under fire.

Ok freak! How can a negative person become energized? Dare yourself to be happy. Setbacks and failures become things you laugh at rather than carry it on your back already broken by yesterday’s lack of interest.

Dr. Carlson believes being level headed gives birth to a positive change and it happens immediately.

At the birth of the recession the idea of finding work was unfavorably under attack by forces I couldn't control but never, never and I mean never did I let it poison my heart. Make your fricken bed! Start the journey off with a nicely made bed so you have something to look forward to.

In martial arts Master Harris constantly drove winning is a choice into our thick out of control ego driven skulls. Words are words which usually mean nothing on the morning after an extremely loud late night banger of a storm that fed your ambition every reason to believe the bones you haul around serve no purpose.

Yeah…try and use that line on a Wal-Mart Greeter…there are days when the person standing at the door completely lifts what little I had to a level of better performance which means I eat less and the weight stays off my chest.

Dare to be happy because winning is a choice. And if too much of my positive energy sends you over the edge; I’m completely ok with that…I’ve been to hell and I’m not going back.

I’ll always believe in you first…

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