Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If you don't do...then you can't.

Winston Churchill said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going. You only have to endure to conquer.”

General Douglas MacArthur believed that age wrinkles the skin but quitting wrinkles the soul.

Former Presidential candidate Ross Perot, “Most people quit on the one yard line. They give up in the last minute of the game.”

After barely winning in Iowa 2012 Republican runner Mitt Romney clearly spouted to supporters, “When I go to work I’ll put American’s back to work.”

First…I don’t support Romney or any other person that’s scientifically situated their backbones in a position of public display that may or may not lead to becoming the leader of the most incredible nation on earth.

What I do find interesting are the entanglements candidates put themselves in only to cackle like chickens when the golden egg leads to a payoff.

You’ve got CNN and Fox News to tell you about how two months ago Mitt was barely a viewpoint.

Fascinating is the journey. To shave the hairs off the open financial wound of this country and pull off an eight vote victory is every reason why the best investment is a personal drive to move through the mountain, bust down the skyscraping walls of Corporate America and succeed.

In martial arts we are trained to break boards and thick concrete bricks. My first degree mentor Nathan Richie took the challenge to a higher level by blindfolding his only view of the world then jump turning hook kicking 6 to 8 feet in the air an apple from a sword.

What are the real chances such a kick could save your life?

While nonbelievers chant, “The wood is cut in ways that shatter easily!”

No hand, foot or head will touch the realms of the other side unless there’s a journey first. It’s almost like an agreement, a contract or trust designed to better understand the vision or final destination.

I’m constantly telling people about where Montana is…but after being in the Carolina’s for 27 years I haven’t a clue as to how I’m gonna one day get back to my hometown.

Why should the drive toward personal success be any different?

We’ve been trained to want therefore we shall receive. Goals are set too high which makes it nearly impossible to reach. If you can’t do it who will? We’re trained that being a manager or company leader brings dreams to the surface. You now have the control to hire and fire.

I don’t know how many times I heard Carolina Panther Steve Smith and Cam Newton telling reporters, “If you can’t live up to what’s being asked…you shouldn’t be here.”

And every time I became less of a fan.

Steve and Cam have come across as the top dog sales people in a company that’s no different than most who are extremely lucky enough to have a couple of loyally dedicated go getters. But to display an I’m better than you attitude immediately erodes the foundation that furthers the journey toward a winning season.

In an atmosphere of martial artists the act of being better than teaches lower belt students how to quit. The moment your foot touches the mat, you bow to the flag and allow the white color of your uniform serve as reason to believe that you always have room to grow and showcasing an interest in other people’s journeys will forever have an impact on the very place your foot is currently placed.

Guidance, courage, wisdom and leadership turned Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill into monuments that continue to change lives many chapters after their final breath.

When a red belt is wrapped around the waste of a student it opens the door for them to refocus their journey. Although it may sound easy to ax kick a solid brick into two…I learn more from the chance taker that didn’t succeed the first, second or fifth time. Doubt destroys willingness. Without a will there is no way.

Who influences your need to quit? The best players on the team will never come out and clearly say, “Move away from the end zone.” Nothing inspires a need to quit more than a coworker that barely does what’s expected but is constantly awarded with gifts and or recognition from decision maker’s that wouldn’t share the sunshine with you if today was blessed with too much.

Other people’s actions and reactions invisibly undo what you do.

You can’t break a brick unless you envision your hand, foot or head moving through it first. When was the last time you gave yourself permission to see beyond your biggest let down? How often do you turn an extremely bad day into an opportunity to step back and revaluate the destination of attempt?

At the extremely old age of ten in itty bitty Billings, Montana I sat in a barely built bedroom pretending to be a morning show radio DJ in Los Angeles. Get close enough to me and you’ll quickly realize that after 33 years only my desire to quit stands in the way of making it a reality.

Ryan Seacrest wouldn’t have become this generations Dick Clark without having those conversations with family and friends in Atlanta about one day being.

Be truthful to your budding self. Push those unique flower petals through the metal. Twenty twelve is the 52 week period that’s officially open for your leadership, unconditional support and dedicated desire to learn from every chapter that resembles a bleak, dark and gloomy reason to say stop.

Not today…it’s time for victory.

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