Friday, October 1, 2010

Answers are located in awareness...

I hurt a hurt that hurting recognizes then quickly reminds me that it’s never too late to help take the hurt out of someone else’s hurting; October 1, 2010…Breast Cancer Awareness month; a celebration of life, a solid foundation to help save lives.

It wouldn’t be fair to the Susan G Komen Foundation, the families who’ve lost mother’s sisters, aunts and even uncles if I remained silent on the affects of this disease. It’s been written a million times the average person on an average workday will be notified that someone they love deeply and forever will be diagnosed with breast cancer and through each page of the story, together you’ll learn the true meaning of survival.

I’ve not forgotten Theresa Church, a fun loving huggy buggy school bus driver from Taylorsville, NC that held on her shoulders the weight of the world while remaining positive to every outcome unpredictably delivered in the books history carries.

Nor shall I let go of the current struggles of school teacher and inspirationally dedicated to her class Miss Zondra who began chemotherapy last week. Standing nearby you fall witness to an entire community of students and fellow teachers taking what little they have to pull together just enough pennies, nickels and quarters to pay for this months medication.

You don’t need a poet’s pen to write the lyrics of a song you already know.

Breast cancer awareness should be like Christmas…celebrated everyday. I’d be fibbing the fibber’s tale if I didn’t openly confess that each time my daughter or wife visit a doctor I don’t fear that one day they’ll come home with something nobody wants to hear. There are no rules, breast cancer isn’t picky yet through daily commitment the world becomes more educated.

For 31 days you’re invited to hold the hand of a survivor, a current fighter, an innocent bystander that’ll never be given an answer as to why and a family member or friend who still shares the laughs and tears held tightly by a heart and soul that feels no need to let go.

Puzzle pieces with no indefinite shape or size.

Whether you elect to wear pink, walk or run in a one time Saturday race or sit along the sidelines to watch, listen and help sooth the hurt of a hurt all too many have been infected by. Get to know the hurt by learning more and through your personal lessons self taught or experienced it shall forever remind you to create a continuous line of communication that may one day serve as a lifeline to an answer not so easily found.

Smiles that last forever don’t always have to be photographs of loved ones we've lost.

Get to know you better and the people that make up the circles you keep. There’s only one challenge in life and that’s life itself. Never give up…never stop reaching. I used to say there are no second chances in the game of life…The Susan G Komen Foundation showed me a new way to live life so that others can live too.

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