Thursday, May 5, 2011

You've heard of the Christmas that almost wasn't? Guess what?

Mother’s Day weekend: A single twenty four hour period where we honor one half of the songwriting team that penned out the lyrics of the song baring your name. She’s the keeper of late night kisses on the forehead, the master planner of instant dinners created on the cuff, the vocabulary corrector when being young means learning new dirty words and she’s the hand you held when nothing else felt right in the palms you kept clenched while trying to runaway from a brutal world.

Where is Casey Kasum when you need him? One look at reality and we could all use a Long Distance Dedication to heat up our hidden emotions. Tell me you haven’t taken note of the tremendous amount of openly displayed without guilt but rather pleasure of seriously ice cold actions, reactions and deliveries from family, friends and coworkers.

Having two hundred names attached to your page on Face Book doesn’t make you friendly…but rather choosey. One friend told me, “To be on my page I better have had dinner with you or shared some sort of working relationship.”

So what’s this got to do with Mother’s Day? As each year passes fewer Mother’s are feeling the love. The second Sunday in May is quickly becoming just another day. We’ve been allowed to be so incredibly free to express our sounds that simple moments of discomfort have driven wedges between people that are supposed to be bound together for life. Kinda like vampires.

Websites breathing honest feelings sink into the eyes of a passerby showcasing reasons why the writer no longer felt a need to love their Mother. I’m not saying its wrong; but would you give candy to a baby at 11:00 at night? To error is human, to be a follower is human nature. Face Book isn’t leadership; it’s a new frontier of accepted cults.

The only reason why half the nation is furious with the Presidents decision to not release the final pictures of Bin Laden is because as our leader he’s saying, “No you can’t!”

Someone writes about not loving their Mother and it’s amazing how many followers are instantly attached to the apron strings connected to the message. Why don’t you love your Mom? Because we can… ouch!

I come from a family that’s been pulled a part so many times there’s not a member in the bunch that could locate the word love even on But if you stare at a forest fire long enough eventually you’ll see reasons to believe in the continuation of the original song. Seconds after a swollen tree stumbles to the forested floor, its heart reaches to plant in the soil an array of seeds assumed gone forever but being the Mother of the circle that fed the roots of survival, the music in the center of the rings making up its history took from its soul a reason to believe in tomorrow.

Four ways to reignite some family love into the dark chapters that resembled sun warped compact disc’s or an Ipod who’s battery flat out sucks and doesn’t pump up the volume unless someone is yelling about something other than offering a helpful hand or support.

It’s time to forget and forgive the past. **** or get off the pot. So you had a bad couple of pages in the book of love. Indifference is what shapes the windows to the soul that leads the rest of you to believe love exists in a world chilled by lack of respect.

I laugh a lot. A program director accused me of being fake and or nervous when in fact I laugh so I don’t have to carry the weight of misunderstanding. The hourly goal should be to rise above the petty arguments created by someone’s opinion or poor choice of direction.

Some people’s Mom’s over saturate their children’s lives and I have a Mom that said, “Go live life!” She never calls me! Not because she hates me or doesn’t approve of the radio career that took her son 2,000 miles away from home; all Mom’s want the best for their children.

Be a family leader and strengthen your family ties. My real father had several families and God love Jamie and Susan for busting their rears for reaching into places the parental figures wouldn’t talk about so the non-loving way would stop. Get to know your Mother again…I bet she has new hobbies, surfs the web while your Dad's watching rodeo’s on Classic ESPN and might actually have an eye on actor Bradley Cooper…I’ve never come across the sentence in a do it all book that states Mom’s can’t be friends.

I can see the emails now, “You’re a jerk! You have no clue what I’ve been through! I came from a life of blank! Blank! Blank! I will never have another relationship with my Mother again!”

Wow…let me close my writing book; we’re ending our blogging session 59 minutes early today. You don’t need me…you’ve already got life figured out and in all honesty I’m not interested in the time you’re wasting in a personal pursuit to make a point that could easily be resolved.

Mother’s day is a single twenty four hour period with the average cell phone call lasting no longer than ten minutes. If peace is what you seek then you must learn to walk in peace. Plan your day and stick to the layout of the path. Send an email, branch out to a Tweet or send a single flower of any color to the front door without a name being attached.

Like vampires Mom’s are connected to their children in ways we can’t explain. If she sends it back; holy cow she didn’t like the color or scent. If you give up then you’ve taught someone how easy it is to let go in a world already blessed with too many quitters.

Mother’s Day is Sunday…be you without interrupting someone else’s journey.

I’ll always believe in you first…

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