Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's ok to call it quits...

Well…it’s happened again! Spring has instantly become summer. I should’ve known something was up when the damp morning air stopped cooling the fast approaching late evening breeze.

If only I had paid more attention to weathered apple tree that leans outward from the rest of the forest; it’s been dropping bright green parachutes with a sliver of red onto the floor where my puppies having been playing for days.

Like children they stand below the limbs of the fruit flavored wind catcher softly asking, “May I please have another?”

The rest of us do our best to catch up…always too much to do with no excuse for why we do what we do except buckets of blame delivered to bosses and co-workers that appear to roller skate their way through the average summer workday without daring to be different and like every year it appears they have more fun and success than the deeply dedicated and loyal.

So I ask that you voluntarily stop. Pour your passions of being free into the dreams not connected to Corporate America and get back to living or you’re going to be the lone apple tree with no fruit to share with the fuzzy barkers below.

Through a puppies eyes we learn so much about discovery. Tails that shake, wobble, spin quickly almost too fast in circles that create giggles, wiggles, and reasons to accidently on purpose drop popsicles and cotton candy sticks onto the always happy to receive sweet things for puppies path.

You don’t have to be anybody but you. If burping the alphabet is a backyard summer treat with only you in the audience then let one rip. Where are the four leaf clover hounds that would spend an entire hot humid summer afternoon crafting out ways to better play with leaves of three not associated with poison ivy?

Minding your manners has made you a follower. Leaders are born when you look at life and let your fingers do the talking.

Stop making other people money and get happy!

Give up cable TV; it’s 500 channels of info-mericials and repeats. Addiction begins with smartphones…if being on go is your flow, you’ll go a lot further when you teach yourself to stop keeping up with the Jones. Be free of texting and instant World Wide Web access with a flip phone dated 1997.

Buy an ugly car! Ugly clothes and a really ugly bicycle to show the world that being in the bike lane doesn’t mean being forced to look like a wanna-be Olympic athlete. When you buy ugly you set the new standard.

Oprah’s gone! She’s living life before the storms we’re constantly warned of come blowing into town ripping from the once protected tree trunk the leaves of many then the arms that reached to paint the wandering clouds that looked like dogs high above the horizons midnight kiss.

Make the Summer of 2011 the single most important three months of the entire year…give yourself permission to breathe. Unmask your beast and get back to living. Do something that’s going to change your life; because right now you’re pretty fricken boring. Get up, go to work, drive home and complain about everything except the person in control of the feet below your belly.

Yep I’m being ugly… when you buy ugly you set the new standard. The new look is a happy you.

While camping over the Memorial Day Weekend, I was instantly drawn to the methods of modern day madness while watching a Grandfather trying with his deepest love and compassion to communicate to an extremely spoiled child. Every attempt was failure. Not once, not twice but for three days the golden halo Grandparents earn during their chapters of giving live away…not even their flesh and blood respected what they were sharing. The man was deeply hurt. He returned to the unlit campfire to whittle a stick, his left hand unknowing of my eyes snapping mental images of the reaction…one tear, two.

I wanted so bad to cross the camp line and quickly dash into his ambition but my big ole adult butt wouldn’t fit into the child’s chair that rolls…I chose instead to secretly sit in my distant place of wolf watching and located the music he liked by playing my radio a little louder, a little louder then poof…his foot began to tap to the rhythm of our greatest influence.

The only thing we’ve taught our kids is to want more without having to give up an inch. Show them something new…ugly. The most impressive trees on a mountainside are never the big tall and mighty but the chunks of wood that have ugly as sin knots in them that resemble faces or warts. The moment you come up on one…it’s like wow! This tree has seen it all! Been through hell and come back to change the world.

Seriously where has your career truly gotten you? And how long do you think that flat screen TV is gonna stay lit up? Everything we buy today is made to break. Bill Gates is a genius because he mastered the plan of taking plastic and giving it a brain.

Failure isn’t when you let go it’s when you let your career have total control.


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