Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pictures Of A New Book: Part Seven

Putting words into play on a computer screen brilliantly highlights the importance of technology. Lost though is our connection to the bodies natural flow of inflection. The process of handwritten scenes and sentences is better felt when your writing-hand pulls from the muscles available in the forearm connected to the right or left shoulder and back. If you're like me...while penning out a really good scene it feels as if every inch of the body was either the main character or a villain chased until he or she held no more air. Another reason why I love handwriting this new book is not having Spell Check. I'm making horrible mistakes then having fun going back to figure out what words I was truly attempting to use! This picture is a snap shot of the book still being poured from the clouds without explanation. Nearly a month into the pages and rarely does a moment exist that I'm not living and reliving all things written but not rewritten. That process will come after the first draft. I don't edit anything until I know the speaker on the other side of reality is finished with me being his or her tool.

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