Weekend number two out of fifty two—a new decade! A new spirit to lift up what’s been sagging! I’m talking about attitude. Holy cow, double click, gotta get off this web page…too much positive is not what the average person is looking for.
Tell me about it!
I wore two different shoes to work yesterday and turned it into a motivational opportunity—an attempt to pick up rather than continue to scatter…which is a nice way of saying people who are in bad moods are poison to a community of working bees.
Interestingly enough nobody made mention of the diverse styles of shoes until late in the day to which I replied, “Finally!”
Looking shocked by my weird way of expressing, the determination was now based on what Arroe was up to.
“People who are depressed and or are blanketed by a sheet of low self esteem spend most of their day looking down. Because it took you nearly eight hours to notice my ugly as sin different colored shoes that tells me today is an incredible day of performance! Nobody wasted precious hard to locate energy trying to weed through fog so thick the image in the mirror carried someone else’s face.”
I learned this trick of measuring a level of performance the hard way—walking into the forest to an area Native American’s call the Sacred Circle. With me, I always brought bird seed so that each morning visit would carry with it a gift for the jazz singers. It made sitting in such a place of peace anything but silent and it’s within silence that assumption and distrusting views of the world take the shape of sprouting seeds.
One bitterly cold damp morning the typical walk around the Crab Apple tree was under way, each step leading me closer and closer to this unseen place in a forest that serves as a home for deer, beaver, frogs, turtles, colorful snakes and a human who wanted nothing more than to allow three minutes of his life to be nothing to an honest act of listening.
I took the same path everyday—my footsteps pressed into the wild grasses described by landscapers as weeds but in my world its life, so each blade is treated like a king. A daily journey that seemed innocent until I began noticing my folded shoulders and the long streaked hair was always in my eyes. It’s an uncomfortable feeling! You feel like you’re being stuffed into a box like Buzz Lightyear while the tips of the head cover upper reaches to tickle my innocent snot cannel.
I was looking down.
Changing my view of the world was a giant spider web covered in morning dew that resembled a chunk of art freshly delivered from the imagination of Pablo Picasso. I was totally blown away by the presentation that it inspired me to quickly reach for my acrylics and brushes coming up with one the most talked about pieces added to my personal gallery called The Storm.
More importantly I was shaken awake by the meeting of two worlds—a six foot one inch human nearly taking out an unforgettably designed web by a spider I’ve yet to meet. I need to find out more about this! For nearly a month I documented my behavior. Taking notes on the multitude of mood swings I carried while sending my eyes to the path rather than the horizon. Then compare it to much straighter shoulders with the eyes shot outward and straight…it proved to be the much better day to accept.
As much as I’d never admit to being connected to the wolf—all too often I find myself being the silent creature who sits in a nearby bush patiently watching as the keepers of many steps walk near and far…an act of study, to see how other humans act and react while dangling their head in downward motion. I’ve studied all animals especially birds to see if their music changes when the head is hanging.
Your body doesn’t get enough air for your blood when your head is hung. If there’s no blood then your muscles begin to scream. If your muscles aren’t properly holding up that collection of bones and or delivering the type of energy your boss requires, the first reaction is to feed the system coffee, power drinks, chocolate, BBQ ribs and as incredible as that sounds…by 2011 we’re stuck with the other self wondering how the heck we lifted our weight to this!
If you truly want to lose weight this year…figure out what your path really is. Anyone can drop a pound or ten but man it’s coming back if you don’t pick up that head. Shove those shoulders back and let oxygen seep into those beautifully designed lungs. Without them you’re dead and this morning I was sharply reminded of what that might feel like in the middle of a cold Carolina morning…what if you can still feel when the rest of you is gone and the only thing they gave you to wear in that casket is a dirty old suit you haven’t worn in years?
So what's the rush to get there? Pick up that head!
Get to know that image in the mirror…you don’t have to agree with it…just know what it means when you begin to lean.
Steal my art…
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