Monday, January 18, 2010

Which one are you Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker?

Facing a level of resistance.

We should plaster this completely out of tune sentence on a poster and sell it at Wal-Mart, calling it a new frontier of reborn success. But to reach that destination, wouldn’t we have to beat it at its own game?

Resistance is nothing more than a cousin to a perfectionist?

You fight and fight until you can’t fight anymore only to learn you’ve stepped back an inch, six feet maybe even a mile all in the name of calling the journey quits.

Resistance is everywhere—sandpapering shades of ink and or paint placed on a wall by a child, how you swing your arm when throwing invisible bowling balls at your television set compliments of something called Wii, even attempting to balance your checkbook within the well tailored discomforts of a computerized generation.

It doesn’t matter who you are or where you work, every project and or personal challenge presented is met with resistance. How many times do you raise your arms and shout, "I quit!"

In Star Wars Luke Skywalker faced a level of resistance when battling Darth Vader and all things connected to the dark side. Avatar creator James Cameron bravely faced the resistance and waited for technology to catch up to his vivid imagination—thanks to discovering the hidden agenda the film has wrapped its tight grip around $1.6 far.

The caveman was onto something when inventing fire. Not only did it keep his family warm during blistering chilly January nights but thanks to a tiny yellow, blue and red flame foods that once quickly spoiled became safer to digest leading our modern day kitchen hero’s to incredibly cool spices and chocolate cake.

Locating a hidden agenda is the essential key to driving resistance from its assumed stable position linked to your defeat.

Since resistance is part of everything growing, living and wanting to succeed, Dr. Gary Ranker points to the need of locating the real agenda behind the purpose of gaining access to a higher level of success. Too often businesses and or department heads work against the flow by introducing ignorance to the agenda. A tremendous amount of hard to locate time is wasted on assuming you have the proper ingredients to make your agenda worth holding.

Take the mask off resistance and what do you see?


What do we fear most in life? Change… Real agendas are hidden from the worker bees because change creates talk and such openness generates negative vibrations—the end result being a department head who sees the horizon but has no way to get there except to walk through the desert for one hundred years with high hopes of locating a book that teaches him or her to part the waters and end famine.

Dr. Ranker speaks of some companies hiring what he calls a firestarter. Their main purpose is to set out and tactfully scare people which in essence teaches change by way of allowing it to be accepted. Once change has been formulated into the breathing patterns of coworkers the next step is to implement the new agenda—therefore eliminating resistance.

The computer world has made 90% of us nothing more than products of isolation. Security can’t be found in such far, far, far away places of assumed protection. Look how isolation completely destroyed proper channels of communication in the movie Avatar. While the science department locked onto a well developed plan to penetrate the surface of the Avatars spirituality—the true department head found tremendous amounts of resistance from not only his human counterparts but the Avatar found every reason to break out in war.

Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver were the firestarters set free on a single mission—to slowly introduce the Avatar to change. If allowed to have more time to proceed with the original plan, a well thought out out path of success might have led Giovanni Ribisi's team to the extremely rich core of the stones they searched for.

Giovanni should’ve been given Dr. Rankers new book Political Dilemmas at Work where such leadership might have been corrected. Therefore the future now rests in your hands. There can be no change on the home front of this unemployment nightmare in America until the firestarters are given the true agenda.

In every walk of life be it a librarian to a mother of twelve…resistance can be defeated if what you attain is its silencing. Research your methods of discovery and compare it to the rooting system of the agenda. Analyze the evidence that may contradict the final destination of your agenda. Locate people who will become stronger with knowledge by understanding your reasons for offering such change.

What daily challenges do you face? What is the image of your resistance? I’m often reminded of the number of time the same sun rises in the east then sets in the west. As simple as the journey looks are there mornings when the sun has a horribly difficult time stretching its rays from Charleston to San Francisco? No matter how hard it rains, how strong the wind might blow off the Great Smokey Mountains or crystal clear the skies may seem…every 24 hour period is a new beginning for that big bright ball of fire and because of its loyalty and dedication to the purposes it brings…this single firestarter is on a mission to affect and infect both sides of the horizon making life better for every living thing on this planet and that requires ample amounts of change we’ve learned to accept.

If your resistance is self doubt, a boss that never listens, kids that think they know so much more than your personal experiences or a collection of movie companies searching for the next big thing and the only idea you have to offer is a bunch of extremely tall blue people—never give up on your agenda. The lightbulb didn’t just happen nor did the airplane, big thick juicy hamburgers and trees that flower in the winter. Ideas begin in places of silence and if you keep it locked away from the world there will be no change.

It’s time to stop yelling at coworkers and family members, “Let’s go!”

Face your level of resistance and let’s grow…

Steal my art,

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