Thursday, April 7, 2011

I just don't understand...

Millions of dollars have been spent and will go toward the continued education of how wrong it is to bully people in school. Stars like Ellen, Madonna, Oprah and other’s have stood up and made noise. Student councils have mandated missions to uncover the violators while teaching as many that’ll listen that being different is acceptable.

I’m no expert nor do I believe being bullied was part of the path walked at Ponderosa, Riverside and Billings Senior High but I did fall witness to it and the curse it places on the circles of people that elect to stay silent.

Which is where we stand on life after school; studies from 2007 show 49% or 71.5 million people have been bullied at the workplace. What? That’s absolutely without a doubt absurd! Think again…according to Forbes Magazine bullying at work remains unannounced because unless you’re the receiver of severe abuse you’re unlikely to realize it.

Lack of awareness is the top reason why bullying at work remains a ghost; of the 71.5 million bullied employees the majority never felt what they were experiencing could be described as bullying because it was being delivered by department heads and upper level coworkers.

Work doctor Gary Namie from the Workplace Bullying Institute has found that 45% of the individuals under attack suffer stress related health problems such as cardiovascular, impaired immune system, debilitating anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder.

Bullying at work tortures the company’s bottom line figures; from insurance fees to employee absenteeism, recruitment difficulties or having no staff at all…business isn’t good if there’s unrest.

Sandy Hershcovis from the University of Manitoba calls workplace bullying more serious than sexual harassment, which is why she’s asking for legislation to protect the victims. The critics fighting back believe it causes a serious liability putting the welfare of the business in jeopardy.

Are you being bullied at work and don’t realize it? This is Forbes Magazines Top Ten things to become aware of:

Feeling physically ill the night before work.

An over zealous boss with vocal chords that enjoy being exercised.

Endless amounts of critical criticism usually described as being constructive which assumed leaders believe is their legal right to tell you how bad you suck and if it doesn’t change in six weeks you’ll be fired.

Being remembered more for your mistakes than your victories. Followed by false accusations of you being involved with something else that went wrong.

Gossip and lies firmly attached to your name. Bullies spread rumors faster than a wildfire on the side of Mount Mitchell.

Bullying includes being excluded from coworker circles that meet for lunch. Being singled out is a horrible place to put in eight hours of loyalty.

A driving need to take advantage of the company’s mental health day policy and when you do take time off the event is shut down because you’re lifeless due to never ending frustration.

Sabotage; rules that change without notice or unexpected meetings that swiftly steal you from what’s required only to hear how bad you were for not being prepared.

Impossible work schedule; demands are put on your performance that require three to ten people.

Work you’ve completed is missing. Projects disappear off your computer.

Can bullying stop at work? Since 2003 lawmakers have drug their feet in deciding what is and isn’t bullying. The Business Insider believes it should be made legal so millions more will become aware it happening. The LA Times printed a story exposing how they believed the state of New York would be the first to make it free to abuse.

Why aren’t people stepping up with the evidence required? The Insider writes, “Being bullied is a problem but being unemployed is even a bigger problem.”

They continue to expose, “Couldn’t the act of documenting someone else’s behavior be seen as bullying?”

So, where do we stand or do the abused have a right to? Artist Way author Julia Cameron believes that a child remains in each of us. On her printed pages she teaches people to write, create, believe in, take good care of and more importantly listen to that child.

Ever been to my recording studio? There are Muppets everywhere!

I once asked a coworker how they felt about child abuse…their reply was shock, disbelief and not accepting of my reasons for asking to which I followed with; my creative flow comes from the child inside…Julia said it! The way I look at it…your current reasons for being in front of me the way you are is pretty much a performance of what made you sick in your stomach to talk about. Instantly he apologized and the project was completed without further hassles.

In martial arts you aren’t trained to take another life…its every students goal to create a diversion and or opening big enough for you to run for your life.

Tough subject today…learn from it then teach others to respect the circles that make every square cubical an incredible place to be successful.

I will always believe in you first…

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